Project-225: March 2002
Tapegerm Collective is making its entire archive of source audio files created by its resident artists between 2000-2010 available royalty free to mark its 20th Anniversary in 2020-21.
Please consider sharing any work you create which utilizes Tapegerm sources at

There may be files from other artists related to this project listed below.
Include "Project-225" in your credits to have your recording appear on this page.
This project has a related mother project. Also include "Project-20" in your credits to have your recording appear HERE.
Recordings for Project-225
Twilight's Echoes Of Wonder by Blind Mime Ensemble:
The inspiration for this recording was provided by Tapegermer (and co-founder) Chris Phinney for his Electronic Cottage compilation project The Vision of Twilight.
. Credits: Instrumentation used: Lunacy Audio Cube Synth (with mangled Tapegerms by Blind Mime, Heuristics Inc, Jeff Davis & the Beauregards, Sin:Ned, Suckling Infants Network, James P. Bergman, CIIIGoff, Virtual Religion, David Alexander McDonald, International Garbageman), Klevgrand Tomofon, Arturia CMS80, Native Instruments Pharlight, Casio CT-S1000V Vocal Synthesizer..
Clockmaker. by Kamakura:
Almost got it where I wanted it, then couldn't find the attributions. Luckily, Bryan rescued me. A bit of a tweak, some pampering, some cosseting, and... it is what it is.
. Credits: Razing Darkness International Garbageman SoLaRiS Shaud Buzzsaw & the Shavings Mystified David Alexander McDonald Charlie DeVico Cystem Zebra Mann.
Frozen Fields by Blind Mime Ensemble:
I created this on an early saturday morning using a gamegerm project improvised in Loopy.
. Credits: Sources by: David Alexander McDonald, Darph Nader, Suckling Infants Network, Jack Hertz, anixas, Virtual Religion, The Magical Cigarette, Corypheus, melodywhore, Ed Drury.
Headspace by Kamakura: In the vernacular: this bleedin' track was a galumphing swine that really, really didn't want to play the game.
It took threats, pouting, and extreme dicking about to get anything vaguely thingy.
Anyway, it is what it is... isn't everything?
. Credits: Sources by: Suckling Infants Network, mystified, CIIIGoff, David Alexander McDonald, Chris Phinney, shaud, Heuristics Inc, Sin:Ned, Dave Fuglewicz, M.Nomized, Kamakura..
Track 2020 1124075309085186 .69 by mystified: A Gamegerm track.. Credits: Generative mix by Thomas Park..
Track 2020 1124075309085186 .62 by mystified: A Gamegerm track.. Credits: Generative mix by Thomas Park..
Track 2020 1124075309085186 .60 by mystified: A Gamegerm track.. Credits: Generative Mix by Thomas Park..
PTrack 2020 1122213403349128 .69 by mystified: . Credits: Generative Mix by Thomas Park..
PTrack 2020 1122213403349128 .62 by mystified: A Gamegerm track.. Credits: Generative mix by Thomas Park..
PTrack 2020 1122213403349128 .60 by mystified: A Gamegerm Track.. Credits: Generative mix by Thomas Park..