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  Joined November 01, 2020

Nick Calvert was in several bands as a drummer, and later a vocalist. He picked Kamakura as a performance name in 2003 when he discovered Songfight and Tapegerm. 2010 saw Kamakura become a real band. They recorded an album (Dealing With Liquids), toured for a short while, then split.

Influences: Pink Floyd, Neil Young, Cat Stevens, Mozart, Beethoven, Punk, New Wave.

A random selection of Kamakura tracks.
Recent tracks featuring Kamakura sources.
buzzsaw Mental Shell
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album: Kamakura's Gamegerm
genre: Weird
streams: 88

Credits: Sources by: Suckling Infants Network, mystified, CIIIGoff, David Alexander McDonald, Chris Phinney, shaud, Heuristics Inc, Sin:Ned, Dave Fuglewicz, M.Nomized, Kamakura.

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Story: In the vernacular: this bleedin' track was a galumphing swine that really, really didn't want to play the game. It took threats, pouting, and extreme dicking about to get anything vaguely thingy. Anyway, it is what it is... isn't everything?

