Tapegerm Collective
Tapegerm Collective
  • Followers 13
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  • Updates 112
  Joined July 04, 2014

Tapegerm Collective began in May 2000, spawned from a collaboration at homemademusic.com where loops from a selection of diy cassette albums were dropped into a pool that artists used to create new music. A group of these artists formed a collective project to share loops and evolve the resulting music over time; currently mutating into its 20th year.

buzzsaw Kamakura skyfei hejian Kitty Suckling Infants Network brianpbromberg CIIIGoff bedawang davefugle Zebra Mann anixas
Unleashing Your Creativity: Using the OP-1 With Samples from Tapegerm.com

The OP-1 Field is a powerful portable synthesizer and sampler that allows you to create music on-the-go. With its intuitive interface and versatile sound engine, it's no wonder that the OP-1 Field has become a popular tool for musicians and producers looking to explore new musical territory.

One way to expand your creative horizons with the OP-1 Field is by incorporating samples from Tapegerm.com. This online community of musicians and sound artists offers a vast library of free audio samples that can be used in your music productions.

To get started, simply download some samples from Tapegerm.com onto your computer or mobile device. Then, connect your OP-1 Field and transfer the samples over using the built-in USB port. Once they are loaded onto your device, you can start experimenting with different sounds and textures in your music.

The OP-1 Field's sampling capabilities allow you to manipulate these samples in a variety of ways. You can chop them up into smaller pieces, pitch shift them, add effects such as delay or reverb, and even sequence them into complex arrangements using the onboard sequencer.

Whether you're looking for ambient soundscapes, gritty industrial textures or anything in between - Tapegerm.com has something for everyone. And when combined with the creative power of the OP-1 Field, the possibilities are endless.

So why not take advantage of this unique combination of tools and unleash your creativity today? Who knows what kind of sonic landscapes you'll discover!

Posted in: OP-1 | 0 comments
RIP Longtime Tapegerm Resident Artist Dave Fuglewicz

Our friend and creative colleague, Dave Fuglewicz, passed away yesterday. He leaves a large body of work and scores of collaborations here and elsewhere.


Posted in: Admin | 0 comments

Tapegerm TransCodeExpress Event Chat

By tapegerm, 2020-10-31
Tapegerm TransCodeExpress Event Chat


*** Now talking in #tapegerm
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*** ChanServ sets mode: -o shaud
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***zapruder_red*** ello?
*** IntGarb has joined #tapegerm
***IntGarb*** hello guys
***psychophonic*** hi
***IntGarb*** hello craig  ... any other out there
***zapruder_red*** hey hey
***IntGarb*** hello keith
***zapruder_red*** i just found a field recording that i'm going to use
***zapruder_red*** pretty excited!
***IntGarb*** good... did you see the snatch sounds at ftp?
***zapruder_red*** i just downloaded them
***IntGarb*** i want to try a test stream. i sit at a computer at work... hope it'll work
***IntGarb*** faster connection than my 56k modem
***psychophonic*** keith, did you figure out a way to record your stream?
***zapruder_red*** no not yet
***IntGarb*** yeah.. i wonder that too... :)
***zapruder_red*** actually, i think i'm going to use my other computer for recording now, instead of using it for playing stuff
***psychophonic*** thats cool
***zapruder_red*** i need to make some stuff in acid then make a cd-r
***zapruder_red*** i'll come back soon
***zapruder_red*** talk to you in a bit
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***psychophonic*** i wish i was at home.. i could try to come up with a way to record
***psychophonic*** see ya
***shaud*** hey... whats the login and pass to the ftp ?!
***psychophonic*** the tapgerm ftp?
***psychophonic*** who's stremaing now?
***IntGarb*** it's me trying... i guess you don't hear anything
***psychophonic*** i hear something a second ago
***psychophonic*** and then a windows beep
***IntGarb*** i have connected but have no signal in to winamp... or do you hear?
***psychophonic*** i hear nothing now
***psychophonic*** by the way, for some reason the stream is set to 'public' again
***IntGarb*** shaud--- you there?
***shaud*** hey... whats the login and pass to the ftp ?!
***IntGarb*** ftp.tapegerm.com
***psychophonic*** irc is't the best place to tell secrets
***IntGarb*** germs / toyz4noyz
***psychophonic*** its on the yahoogroups page thouh
***IntGarb*** shaud did yopu get the info? its above
***IntGarb*** you hear something now??? pataloops
***psychophonic*** i hear you now bjorn
***psychophonic*** is your ip
***psychophonic*** ?
***IntGarb*** great... no prob with firewall then
***IntGarb*** i don't know... whats the easiest way to check?
***psychophonic*** not sure.
***shaud*** bjn...
***psychophonic*** i assume that's you, because it says that's where the current brodcast is from
***IntGarb*** but isnt the ip from tapegerm.com?
***shaud*** k winipcfg i "k menyn"...
***shaud*** im breaking the line with some swedish words...
***psychophonic*** no i'm looking at the server currently, it says where the broadcast is coming into tapegerm.com from
***IntGarb*** yeah my ip is another one
***psychophonic*** oh really?
***IntGarb*** yes, why shouldn't it be that? i am connecting to the server at www.tapegerm.com...
***psychophonic*** no, i'm looking at the source IP on the shoutcast server
***psychophonic*** so it is the iP that the sound is coming from
***shaud*** Bjn... check your private mess from me...
***IntGarb*** yeah.. and on port 8000
***IntGarb*** priv mess where?
***IntGarb*** shaud! where?
***shaud*** kolla uppe i listen...
***IntGarb*** have you checked tims (TCE) last message?
*** Guest13915 has joined #tapegerm
***Guest13915*** heyo, this thing works, then
***psychophonic*** is someone going to go at 2:30?
***psychophonic*** sorry 2:30 EST
***shaud*** hi Guest
***psychophonic*** that's you eh bill?
***shaud*** who are you ?
***Guest13915*** yeah
*** Guest13915 is now known as heuristics
***heuristics*** ah hah!
***IntGarb*** hello!
***heuristics*** just thought i would drop in.
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***ciyd*** hey guys!
***psychophonic*** yo kelli
***IntGarb*** hello kelli!
***psychophonic*** bjorn, are you streaming off a cd?
***IntGarb*** someone read tims (tce) message?... they have a "plan"... ha.ha.ha
***IntGarb*** yes stream from a homeburnt IntGarb stuff cd
***ciyd*** What is their plan?
***IntGarb*** read at yahoogroups...
***psychophonic*** i like it a lot bjorn
***IntGarb*** it'll work fine i think
***IntGarb*** thanks...craig!
***heuristics*** these 'snatch' sounds are just noise?
***IntGarb*** pataloops/bigger loops is a tapegerm track... don't remember the title though...
***shaud*** Well... i cant be the first to play. Some kind of problem showed up at work and i have to fix it... i will be back in 2 hours!
***IntGarb*** snatch sound shouldnt just be noice... maybe some went wrong?
***heuristics*** maybe...
***heuristics*** it sounds like digital static.
***IntGarb*** all samples?
***heuristics*** they're all prettty much the same.
***IntGarb*** hmm
***ciyd*** o time isn't looking for Tapegerm to stream the whole 5 hours.
***heuristics*** yeah, all of them.
***IntGarb*** i shall listen soon to snatch sounds
***heuristics*** let me know if something went weird - i xferred using the same method as usual.
***IntGarb*** they actually have a schedule for the first two hours... and then we all "go wild"
***ciyd*** So what do we want to do for the first set at 20:30?
***IntGarb*** i think this will all start "very soon"... i thought it should start next hour... i am a bit confused right now...
***heuristics*** i think we're supposed to start in 15 minutes.
***IntGarb*** it's you, me that has announced to be streaming...  keith isnt here , or is he?  mikael has to go!..
***ciyd*** yikes!
***psychophonic*** you could just play this cd for them
***psychophonic*** it's awesome
***psychophonic*** haha
***IntGarb*** BUT we haven't OKEYED tims plan yet either
***IntGarb*** yes play cd...
***ciyd*** I might be able to get a mix started.
***IntGarb*** kelli --- you take the first 15 I try to catch up the other 15
***IntGarb*** i try to contact tim and see if he recieives us...
***IntGarb*** i shall MOO him
***psychophonic*** wow, there are actually more than 3 people in the room on the linz cam
***psychophonic*** things are picking up ;-)
***IntGarb*** how am i moving in MOO ??? shaud?
***IntGarb*** i am at the MOO now... tim's there!
***psychophonic*** type the first lettr of the room you want to go to
***IntGarb*** thxs
***ciyd*** Are they waiting for us to start?
***IntGarb*** i am in there--- they say --- wait a sec...
***psychophonic*** the olive stream is going, but silent
***IntGarb*** kelli: are you ready to go otherwise?
***IntGarb*** olive was silent earlier too
***ciyd*** sort of :)
***IntGarb*** at http://cyclop.ok-centrum.at/view/view.shtml you can see whats happening in Linz
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***zapruder_red*** hello....
***psychophonic*** hey
***zapruder_red*** how
***zapruder_red*** how's everything going
***zapruder_red*** i'm getting my shit together, but i'm not sure when we're doing things...
***psychophonic*** it sounds like kelli is about to start
***psychophonic*** but it's confusing
***zapruder_red*** who's after kelli?
***zapruder_red*** i could have sworn this was starting an hour later... oh well
* zapruder_red shrugs
***heuristics*** there was some big noise on the stream.  is that us?
***psychophonic*** bjorn had to go to the moo.. he's probalby the person to ask when he returns
***ciyd*** they are starting an hour early.
***ciyd*** much panic ensues
***heuristics*** sounds like he had to take a bathroom break
***heuristics*** but that's 'loo'
***zapruder_red*** i can't listen right now... i probably should run to radio shack for more cable ;)
***psychophonic*** so is the olive stream the official one?  what's were those other urls that tim sent?
***zapruder_red*** i have no idea
***ciyd*** I'm supposed to go for 15 min, then bjorn for 15
***psychophonic*** are you going now kelli?
***heuristics*** olive keeps stopping, made it only to 3:30 of time
***psychophonic*** it's been going fine for me
***IntGarb*** kelli--- prepare for longer... i way behind my time schedule
***zapruder_red*** so we're doing 15 minutes each during each Tapegerm turn?
***ciyd*** Bjorn told me to wait a few until they are ready
***IntGarb*** yes wait a little more--- they haven't started yet in Linz--- lokks like
***psychophonic*** you are still streaming yoru cd off tapegerm.com bjorn
***ciyd*** Mikael had to go fix things at work
***zapruder_red*** i have to go look for more cable... i want to hear this stuff!
***IntGarb*** do you hear our stream?
***IntGarb*** tim says he doesn't
***psychophonic*** i heard it on tapegerm.com:8000
***IntGarb*** do you hear it now?
***psychophonic*** yes
***heuristics*** i hear noises at olive, but i don't know what it is
***IntGarb*** yes... i tell tim dat
***psychophonic*** there are 3 listeners on our stream
***psychophonic*** can you ask them what IP address they are connecting from?
***IntGarb*** yes i ask them...
***psychophonic*** it looksl ike there is a connection to our stream from ok-centrum.at
***psychophonic*** and one from telia.com
***psychophonic*** i assume the ok-centrum.at is them
***zapruder_red*** i'm listening to the olive stream right now... is this kelli?
***heuristics*** the sounds at tapegerm.com and at olive are different. do we know what they are?
***psychophonic*** tapegerm.com is bjorn's intgarbage cD
***zapruder_red*** they're probably not hooked in yet
***IntGarb*** they say they see a stream but hear no sound... hmmm...
***zapruder_red*** we should stream some Germination 9 for them at some point ;)
***psychophonic*** there is a stream connection from them
***IntGarb*** kelly... maybe you should try to connect now...
***psychophonic*** you need to disconnect first bjorn
***IntGarb*** kelli are you there... ready?
***ciyd*** bjorn, i'll go as long as i can, just shoot a message in irc when you're ready and i'll hit stop
***ciyd*** i'm ready
***IntGarb*** i disconnect in 30 secs
***zapruder_red*** this rules
***zapruder_red*** break a leg kelli
***IntGarb*** disconnected   --- connect NOW Kelli
***ciyd*** k
***IntGarb*** i think tce is receiving us now!!!  :)
***zapruder_red*** go kelli!
***zapruder_red*** i just let total recorder rip... hopefully i'll save this on my HD
***psychophonic*** keith, are you on the olive stream?
***psychophonic*** listening to, i mean
***zapruder_red*** yes
***zapruder_red*** yes
***IntGarb*** this is said at the MOO
***psychophonic*** you can definitely hear the tapegerm stream in there now
***zapruder_red*** is it ALL tapegerm stream or are they mixing?
***psychophonic*** i think this  must be a few different people at once
***psychophonic*** right bjorn?
***IntGarb*** might be... probably   thats how they work
***zapruder_red*** damn i'm recording 8 bit mono... gotta change my settings
***psychophonic*** does anybody know who's at telia.com?
***psychophonic*** there are 2 listeners on the tapegerm stream.. the linz guys and one at telia.com
***IntGarb*** probably mikael... telia "is" Sweden
***psychophonic*** oh ok
***IntGarb*** mikael said he should try to record this...
***heuristics*** by the way, i'm having better luck with the olive stream on realplayer.
***heuristics*** music match was quitting every so often
***zapruder_red*** i'm having great luck with the olive stream and Winamp
***psychophonic*** it's working great with xmms too
***IntGarb*** i just started record kellis stream on minidisc
***zapruder_red*** bjorn, when is the next tapegerm performance? after you...
***IntGarb*** i guess there will be a lot improvising this evening...
***IntGarb*** not know
***heuristics*** are we hearing kelli now?
***IntGarb*** kelli:   you are cruel!   this really rocks!!
***IntGarb*** i am listening at our own stream right now...
***IntGarb*** are we loggin btw
***psychophonic*** loggin what?
***IntGarb*** our talk here?
***zapruder_red*** not me...
***IntGarb*** not necessary maybe...
***psychophonic*** i think i can save it
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***zapruder_red*** hey scott
***IntGarb*** do we snatch / catch / manipulate for use later in the evening?
***zapruder_red*** i am
***IntGarb*** hello scott
***IntGarb*** good... i shall try...
***IntGarb*** too
***hebephrenic*** Hi - I'm @ work :( Anyone know where to get the main mix fgrom Linz?
***psychophonic*** http://bonjour.mp3.at:8000/olive
***zapruder_red*** homestretch... 
***hebephrenic*** cool - I'm lookinbg at the video feed now as well
***zapruder_red*** what's the address for the video feed?
***psychophonic*** http://cyclop.ok-centrum.at/view/view.shtml
***psychophonic*** i was expecting more dancing
***psychophonic*** hah
***zapruder_red*** these people are listening to this? wow...
***zapruder_red*** open to the public?
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***psychophonic*** here's this pageif anybody hasn't seen it:
***psychophonic*** http://www.timesup.org/closing/tce.html
***zapruder_red*** are you up next bjorn?
***IntGarb*** TIM says at the MOO  "tapegermers - lovely heaviness"
***IntGarb*** !!! :))
***ciyd*** bjorn ready?
***IntGarb*** give me some minutes i am installing AM
***zapruder_red*** i'll give him some ethereal madness later... ;)
***heuristics*** argh, lost connection
***heuristics*** ah, back
***IntGarb*** one minute and i am ready to go...
***IntGarb*** ok kelli tell when you are out!!
***ciyd*** i'm out 
***IntGarb*** i connect
***zapruder_red*** have fun!
***ciyd*** holy shit!
***zapruder_red*** that was great kelli!!
***psychophonic*** good work kelli
***psychophonic*** !
***zapruder_red*** how did it go for you?
***ciyd*** I'm sweating!
***ciyd*** Acid is not the best live mixing tool
***heuristics*** noisy stuff, v nice.
***heuristics*** yeah, maybe not.
***zapruder_red*** you fooled me
***psychophonic*** what were you looping?
***heuristics*** but you can set it to 'loop mode'
***ciyd*** I didn't records the first couple of minutes
***heuristics*** while modifying things on the fly.
***zapruder_red*** i got it but total recorder was set to 8bit mono!
***zapruder_red*** so i stopped it and started over
***ciyd*** I was looping all of the preliminary stuff that Bjorn uploaded to the ftp.  I modified a couple of samples
***psychophonic*** oh ok, i missed thatpart of it
***psychophonic*** really awesome
***ciyd*** Ohm Force's Frohmage plugin is the BOMB!
***heuristics*** do we have any idea yet why the samples from bjorn sound like static to me?
***ciyd*** It's Bjorn.  He's into noise
***heuristics*** well, i mean they are all the same, just like digitizedtape hiss or somethhing
***zapruder_red*** the samples that he has on FTP or the stuff he's streaming now?
***heuristics*** the ftp samples.
***psychophonic*** speakng of noise.. if there's any room on the TG noise comp, you should  put an excerpt of waht you just did on it
***ciyd*** thanks!
***zapruder_red*** we should do a TCE CD... this is great
***ciyd*** Bjorn, sounding great!
***psychophonic*** yeah definitely
***zapruder_red*** bill i thought bjorn's samples sounded fine...
***ciyd*** the samples I got were fine.
***zapruder_red*** didn't sound like static to me.
***zapruder_red*** is bjorn going for a full 15 minutes or just until the end of the half hour?
***heuristics*** oh, crap, my fault. 
***heuristics*** i downloaded them in ascii mode, my stupid :)
***zapruder_red*** lol
***toda_V*** lol
***psychophonic*** haha
***zapruder_red*** you should use the ascii ones too
***toda_V*** yeah
***heuristics*** they're not much interesting.
***heuristics*** sonically, not a lot happening ther.
***zapruder_red*** kelli... what settings did you use for shoutcast? kbps, etc
***psychophonic*** by the way, the shoutcast server seems pretty stable (knock on wood)
***psychophonic*** it's still running from yesterday
***zapruder_red*** good work man
***psychophonic*** i haven't had to restart it or anything
***heuristics*** i wasn't going to be making music, but i thought i'd try to edit some of these samplkes.
***heuristics*** will somebody be able to use them later if i do/
***heuristics*** ?
***toda_V*** sure
***zapruder_red*** yeah
***IntGarb*** i am ready so if anyone wants to tune ... feel freee...
***heuristics*** cool.
***zapruder_red*** i had no time to mess with them
***heuristics*** we arein the middle of a thunderstorm,
***psychophonic*** tune what bjorn?
***zapruder_red*** are we on for a full hour?
***heuristics*** my office mate came in and was wondering if hte thunder was on my comp or outside
***ciyd*** I used 48kbps stereo
***toda_V*** lol
***ciyd*** I uploaded my two manipulated loops to the folders
***zapruder_red*** bjorn, is somebody else supposed to start next?
***ciyd*** Start munging samples guys!
***IntGarb*** good... any wants to be in the loop? i should work on loops now!...
***psychophonic*** the only music program i have on my work computer is a cheesy drum machine full of mambo samples
***heuristics*** mambo!  go for it
***psychophonic*** bjorn, this sounds great too
***ciyd*** Keith, you want to go?
***zapruder_red*** i'm not quite ready... i'll need more time. i thought we were in 1/2 hour increments
***ciyd*** 2
***zapruder_red*** 2? 2 hours?
***toda_V*** wow, the ftp is quite responsive today isnt it?
***ciyd*** sorry, two keybaords.  i get mixed up
***zapruder_red*** i can't go next... anyone else?
***zapruder_red*** should i be prepared to go on within the hour? or not?
***IntGarb*** i work some out ten minutes or so...
***IntGarb*** need more samples.... :)
***zapruder_red*** i'm still unclear as to what's going on... ;) sorry!
***zapruder_red*** can somebody explain?
***psychophonic*** bjorn, why not just grab other tapegerm loops?
***ciyd*** he's trying to mix while h
***toda_V*** yeah, and plug an AM radio into ur soundcard line in too
***zapruder_red*** give me 5 minutes and i might be able to do something
***ciyd*** while he's doing other stuff.  It's hard
***zapruder_red*** i'll be back... gotta burn a CD
***psychophonic*** yeah i'm sure it is.. i just read that he was looking for more samples
***psychophonic*** so there are some
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*** Guest80897 has joined #tapegerm
***Guest80897*** Bjorn 9 manipulated files going up now
***Guest80897*** Anybody in here
***IntGarb*** great
***psychophonic*** hey 
***Guest80897*** This is Chris I am aguest
***Guest80897*** Do you need me to make a quick mix of the 9 manipulated fdiles
***Guest80897*** I have to leave soon but I can throw together a mix & upload it to the folder?
***IntGarb*** great   do so... make a folder called mixes
***Guest80897*** Will do,the 9 loops will be done in 30 secs
***IntGarb*** they are moving out to Dr Mutt now
***Guest80897*** the loops are up,expect a mix at least one soon later
***IntGarb*** great
*** Guest80897 has left #tapegerm
***psychophonic*** the olive stream is really odd now, with johnny cash and all these talking people
***ciyd*** How do you feel Bjorn?
***ciyd*** It sounded great!
***heuristics*** my first manip loop is up there.
***IntGarb*** very good ... this was REAL fun... how do you fell?
***IntGarb*** feal!
***IntGarb*** feel!
***heuristics*** feel?
***hebephrenic*** Hey Dhris
***ciyd*** I finally quit shaking!
***heuristics*** chris left
***psychophonic*** yeah, that was great bjorn
***ciyd*** Nothing like a little pressure
***ciyd*** I've got some more loops.
***ciyd*** Are we going to grab some new source material?
***IntGarb*** thanx... i got it on tape too... unfortunately i didnt start record until 7 minutes in  kellis show
***IntGarb*** yes grab dr.mutt
***ciyd*** Can somebody grab dr. Mutt?  I can't record the stream
***IntGarb*** anyone more cares to listen at the MOO... its not hard to get there!
***IntGarb*** i shall try ty capture Mutt
***psychophonic*** how do you listen there?
***psychophonic*** so is tapegerm streaming now at all?
***heuristics*** i'm looping some thing in audio mulch, this is great!
***IntGarb*** no i disconnected recently
***IntGarb*** they say its MUTT time now
***psychophonic*** what's MUTT?
***IntGarb*** dr Mutt   look at www.timesup.org   and go to transcodesc etc...
***IntGarb*** whats the stream to olive
***psychophonic*** oh ok
***psychophonic*** this sounds like johnny cash on star trek
***psychophonic*** did you mean this url bjorn:  http://bonjour.mp3.at:8000/olive
***toda_V*** so whats the story guys?
***toda_V*** new samples?
***IntGarb*** yes i getting the stream now
***toda_V*** cool
***ciyd*** I've uploaded more loops
***IntGarb*** good
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***zapruder_red*** what did i miss?
***IntGarb*** maybe i have to restart my machine... can't get cool edit to kick in... some conflict
***IntGarb*** yeah i get out now...
*** IntGarb has quit IRC (Quit: )
***ciyd*** I'm trying to get on the MOO.
***ciyd*** Keith,  they are on Dr. Mutt right now.
***zapruder_red*** cool... i think i figured out my problem
***ciyd*** good!
***ciyd*** Is anybody else on the MOO?  I can't get in.
***psychophonic*** i was on the moo a few minuts ago
***ciyd*** Are you getting there through your browser?
***psychophonic*** no from telnet
***ciyd*** ok
***psychophonic*** the moo is a neat idea, but there's nothign going on
***ciyd*** ok
***ciyd*** cool sounds they're playing now.
***toda_V*** Dr Mutt coined the term streaming media in `76?
***toda_V*** on a boat?
***heuristics*** when do we go back on?
***psychophonic*** i don't trust dr. mutt any farther than i can throw him
***psychophonic*** did you read about the scratchrobot?  i wonder when it's playing
***ciyd*** I lost the URRL for the video feed.  Can you shoot that to me?
***toda_V*** http://cyclop.ok-centrum.at/
***ciyd*** yhanks
*** IntGarb has joined #tapegerm
***IntGarb*** hello 7 mutt sounds on its way
***toda_V*** yeah the scratchbot sounds pretty nifty
***IntGarb*** or if this maybe is perth
***toda_V*** chat input control?
***psychophonic*** i wonder how you can type things to it
***toda_V*** http://www.scratchrobot.com/
***zapruder_red*** what's the scoop? when are we next?
***IntGarb*** mutt and perth ill stream a while... then madness break loose again
***IntGarb*** maybe in 30 minutes or 60?
***IntGarb*** are you ready to go for a set keith?
***zapruder_red*** i'm about ready... need to find a few more adapters
***zapruder_red*** so i guess i'll go next
***zapruder_red*** how long?
***IntGarb*** good... i think you're the next germ streamer
***IntGarb*** like i said 30 or 60 minutes...
***zapruder_red*** how long do i perform?
***ciyd*** how long can you perform?
***IntGarb*** i think 20-30-40 minutes
***zapruder_red*** 20 would be good
***IntGarb*** go for it then... we can always switch over
***ciyd*** who's after keith?
***IntGarb*** i think it's mikael if he's back from work... otherwise it's you..
***IntGarb*** has anyone seen ryan around?
***ciyd*** ok.  I'll plan on going after Keith unless Mikael gets back.
***ciyd*** Poor Mikael!
***IntGarb*** plan on that... even if mikael gets back he has to catch up a little maybe
***IntGarb*** but i think he is listening and recording... the evening isn't over yet..
***ciyd*** Nah, sink or swim ;-)
***toda_V*** hey coool, scratchbot uses Lineartech gear!!!
***ciyd*** how do ytou know that?
***IntGarb*** now there are ten mutt/perth sounds at source folder
***IntGarb*** i will go and manipulate them a bit now
***toda_V*** i got the same setup on my workdesk, minus the robot:)
***psychophonic*** i was just thinking yesterday i should get a turntable
***ciyd*** I uploaded moer loops, more synth sonding, less noise.  I'll start on the Mutt samples
***toda_V*** its cool cuz that scratch mixer has a built in 5 second sample looper
*** mobilesound has joined #tapegerm
***psychophonic*** oh cool
***mobilesound*** hello hello
***psychophonic*** hi
*** heuristics has quit IRC (Ping timeout)
***shaud*** hi..im back
***mobilesound*** i thought it started already
***shaud*** no stream... 
***mobilesound*** rushing home to hear all this
***shaud*** whats up...
***ciyd*** Mikael, welcome back
***shaud*** thank you...
***IntGarb*** keith be prepared to go live within some minutes 5 or so...
***mobilesound*** so you guys are just rotating then?
***zapruder_red*** oh shit
***zapruder_red*** ok
***zapruder_red*** where's a cable when you need it??
***IntGarb*** 4 minutes to go
***IntGarb*** you can take up the stream if you wish
***zapruder_red*** ok
***shaud*** im listening to some of you stuff...
***zapruder_red*** connected
***shaud*** ive have recorded it
***IntGarb*** good shaud
***IntGarb*** shaud did you record olive or tapegerm?
***shaud*** someone... has alot of distortion...
***shaud*** tapegerm...
***IntGarb*** probably me...
***IntGarb*** keith are you live?
***zapruder_red*** hear anything?
***psychophonic*** he's connected right
***psychophonic*** don't hear nothing though
***zapruder_red*** see if you hear anything... no levels here
***IntGarb*** live stream but no sound
***ciyd*** Keith you might back down to 48kbps from 96
***toda_V*** is your mixer set to record line in, or wave out?
***psychophonic*** just heard a glitch
***shaud*** me too..
***IntGarb*** glitch here... any tip Mikael?
***mobilesound*** i'm not hearing anuything
***mobilesound*** there we go
***psychophonic*** the plugin is set up right, but the recording stuff isn't
***psychophonic*** sounds like to me...
***zapruder_red*** how's this
***psychophonic*** there yougo
***zapruder_red*** am i live on olive?
***toda_V*** scratch robot is next
***zapruder_red*** when am i live?
***mobilesound*** yeah your live if thats you i'm hearing..
***psychophonic*** your on tapegerm now
***zapruder_red*** but when will i be on olive?
***psychophonic*** actually it sounds like you are on olive
***zapruder_red*** ok
***zapruder_red*** really? bjorn?
***psychophonic*** say something like "tapegerm is in da house!"
***psychophonic*** haha
***toda_V*** ya
***zapruder_red*** do you hear a guitar on olive?
***psychophonic*** yeah, feedback drenched?
***zapruder_red*** ok
***shaud*** Now im recording the stream from TCE...
***IntGarb*** looks like you very distorted... thats cool but do you intend to blow the house out?
***zapruder_red*** how's that?
***IntGarb*** cool!... :)
***psychophonic*** is someone else streaming simultaneously now?
***shaud*** Can we do that`!
***IntGarb*** shouldnt be possible on our stream... but on olive (if you are listening there) it could be... should be
***psychophonic*** no, i mean from tce
***psychophonic*** that's what i meant
***shaud*** im streaming TCE... sounds okay... 
***psychophonic*** i did verify yesterday if you try to connect to ours when someone else is going it just  doesn't connect
***shaud*** sounds like they are working on diffrent sounds...
***IntGarb*** i'm listening direct on keith.... this is really cool going low now  40 hz
***psychophonic*** that's a wicked noise keith
***shaud*** now i hear keith on TCE...
***mobilesound*** so do we have all the people we need to do this?
***ciyd*** this sounds great!
***IntGarb*** we need more manipulating of sounds  and capturing to
***IntGarb*** maybe streamers too
***mobilesound*** yeah this is cool
***mobilesound*** i could stream later if its cool and if there is time
***mobilesound*** sorry its such sort notice but i thought i was going to miss this
***IntGarb*** now your here  :)
***IntGarb*** you were doing cool streaming last night... on AM
***ciyd*** mikael, will you be ready to go on next or do you need more time?
***toda_V*** hmm, i wonder if the scratchbot uses the mixing sampler, and i wonder what text will do what to it?
***shaud*** when would that be...?
***IntGarb*** i think they will let someone else in for a while after keith
***mobilesound***  you were doing cool streaming last night... on AM --thanks man i didn think anyone was listening but i'm working on that file 
  right now
***mobilesound*** I just d/l'd the TCE loops
*** blindmime has joined #Tapegerm
***ciyd*** Hi Bryan!
***IntGarb*** keith -  - they want us to continue a while--- they have problems with other streamers
***IntGarb*** hi bryan
***blindmime*** this has turned out to be the worst possible day. sorry i'm late.
***psychophonic*** hi bryan
***psychophonic*** i hope someone is successfully recording keith's stream.. this is awesome
***ciyd*** Then it's time to strt having some fun!
***toda_V*** hey everybody, its my birthday today, im 25 w00t!!!
***IntGarb*** you are doing KOOL keith!
***IntGarb*** happy birthday!
***mobilesound*** Happy birthday
***toda_V*** thnx
***zapruder_red*** i just tried to play happy birthday
***toda_V*** heh
***ciyd*** TodaV is a Baby!  Happy Birthday, kid!
***toda_V*** hehe
***toda_V*** only on the outside, methinks
***ciyd*** I'm uploading more lops, but it's real slow
***mobilesound*** 25 i thought you were younger really
***toda_V*** i was yesterday
***mobilesound*** is it just me or does the stream keep cutting out?
***ciyd*** lol
***mobilesound*** ha
***IntGarb*** is the olive very much different from tapegerm (streams...)
***zapruder_red*** i'm about done here
***mobilesound*** i'm listening at the olive stream
***psychophonic*** yeah, olive is a lot more distant feeling
***mobilesound*** so mikals next?
***IntGarb*** i check with MOO if we shall kick in mikael
***IntGarb*** maybe mikael is takin' over
***IntGarb*** i inform when and if
***zapruder_red*** ok?
***zapruder_red*** it's just rumble until then ;)
***mobilesound*** that was nice keith
***IntGarb*** ,ikael wants 2 minutes or so... 
***mobilesound*** brb reboot
***psychophonic*** very nice keith..  
***IntGarb*** mikael: are you there?
***IntGarb*** ARe you ready, Mikael?
***blindmime*** Yeah, that was great, Keith. I caught the last few minutes. 
***ciyd*** Keith, AWESOME!
***IntGarb*** mikael... give us a sign..
***ciyd*** loops are up.  Go grab 'em
***psychophonic*** somebody could play phinney's intermeidaete mix
***psychophonic*** if it's up
***shaud*** im here...
***mobilesound*** ciyd--your puttin up more new loops?
***IntGarb*** ok are you ready to kick out and kick in keith and mikael?
***zapruder_red*** whenever
***IntGarb*** keith: disconnect
***ciyd*** I have about 12 new loops up.
***zapruder_red*** can you hear me typing
***zapruder_red*** ok
***ciyd*** Does this count for my quota?  ;-)
***IntGarb*** mikael : connect
***mobilesound*** ha
***shaud*** ok
***zapruder_red*** lol
***zapruder_red*** i see what you mean about sweating kelli
***mobilesound*** how long is our spot on the TCE?
***ciyd*** I'm downloading the mix that Chris put up.
***ciyd*** Keith, shake it off buddy!
***ciyd*** You did great.
***ciyd*** Is that Mikael, now?
***IntGarb*** mikael... problems?
***psychophonic*** nobody's playing off tapegerm.com now
***IntGarb*** can you hear tapegerm?
***IntGarb*** mikael... what's up?
***psychophonic*** there's no brodcaster connected to the server
***IntGarb*** mikael is going to connect... he must experience some probs
***shaud*** i have connected...
***IntGarb*** now hear some
***IntGarb*** good
***IntGarb*** :)))
***psychophonic*** excellent..
***IntGarb*** your streaming hi-fi...
***psychophonic*** it says it's streaming 24k
***toda_V*** should be three hours from now but im uploading beepmapped versions of bjorns cool diagram
***psychophonic*** the fruity beepmapper?
***toda_V*** yeah
***psychophonic*** is it just me or does everything sound the same out of that?
***mobilesound*** THE SAME!!!!!!!!!!!
***toda_V*** heh, its like certain roland synths, u just have to play with it
***ciyd*** I also have Chris mix loaded up and ready to play, when needed
***IntGarb*** hey... pretty cool.. .we are nine of us here right now.. .playing and having fun!!!
***psychophonic*** are you playing now shaud?
***toda_V*** hey, mccoy, i created a really cool lead synth last night with synthedit, ill hook u up with the ftp site when you feel up to it, coo`?
***mobilesound*** SURE
***mobilesound***  I got an AM file all ready to go if need be and my sp-202
***IntGarb*** cool soundings mikael
***mobilesound*** actually i wanted to talk to you and CRT about the whole plugin thing--but later
***toda_V*** yeah
***mobilesound*** lots of ideas though
***mobilesound*** this is nice!!
***zapruder_red*** so was that ok?
***psychophonic*** your set?
***zapruder_red*** yeah
***psychophonic*** it was really great
***zapruder_red*** i was freakin out man
***IntGarb*** Keith!  WOW!... really massive and energic and all that... really cool!
***psychophonic*** i want to know how you were doing that!
***zapruder_red*** my wife came home in the middle of it
***IntGarb*** lol
***zapruder_red*** "i'm on the air honey"
***mobilesound*** i love the horse-type sound
***psychophonic*** haha
***zapruder_red*** i
***zapruder_red*** i'm going to go kiss my wife and make her some dinner. brrb
***blindmime*** must reboot. brb
***mobilesound*** sounds like the horse is in pain
*** blindmime has quit IRC (Quit: )
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***mobilesound*** yo
***heuristics*** i think i got disconnected...
***psychophonic*** it kicke dyou off a while ago
***heuristics*** what did i miss?
***heuristics*** the interface didn't tell me
***heuristics*** until i tried to type something.
***psychophonic*** weird
***mobilesound*** Bjorn--what time is it by you?
***IntGarb*** can someone snatc a picture or two from tha linz room?
***heuristics*** what i was trying to say was that i uploaded 5 loops
***heuristics*** of 20 second duration
***mobilesound*** whats the linz room?
***IntGarb*** in sweden the time is 23:04
***heuristics*** and a audiomulch document that made them.
***IntGarb*** the camcorder
***mobilesound*** odd we only go up to 12 in the states
***psychophonic*** hahah
***mobilesound*** theres a camcorder hook up to this also?
***mobilesound*** haha
***mobilesound*** i'm still in studip-mode from work
***psychophonic*** http://cyclop.ok-centrum.at/view/view.shtml
***IntGarb*** they have a camera in linz / austria at the place the TCE folks are
***mobilesound*** cool
***mobilesound*** did the horse die?
***IntGarb*** can someone snatch a photo... could be great to use for future graphichs if there are to be a CD of this crazy event
***mobilesound*** so this is where out music is being picked up at?
***psychophonic*** yeah
***mobilesound*** shaud--love the warm pops and ckicks
***mobilesound*** clicks
***IntGarb*** kelli: do you want to go for a new ride soon?
***toda_V*** keep in mind the beepmaps are all at middle C expect the automation
***ciyd*** sure.  I'm getting set up nowe
***heuristics*** are we back on broadcast?
***IntGarb*** i don't know when and if... but just want to check that you are ready
***toda_V*** ok i edited them so they will be done within two hours now
***mobilesound*** i can jam whenever 
***IntGarb*** we have to give the linz people a great show... which we are indeed... seems that there are lot of people that can't go live at all
***ciyd*** Tapegerm rules!
***toda_V*** from what i gather of the schedule, scratchbot will be on at 2am mountain time, is this right, 10:00 GMT
***psychophonic*** yeah it sounds like we are their fallback streamers at this point
***psychophonic*** viva la virus!
***ciyd*** Do we want to give mobilesoundn a go?   
***mobilesound*** YES
***mobilesound*** haha
***toda_V*** defintely
***psychophonic*** haha
***mobilesound*** my duaghter is sleeping
***ciyd*** How long can you go?
***mobilesound*** no craziness right now
***mobilesound*** i could play for awhile
***mobilesound*** as long as need be
***ciyd*** 10 minutes?  20?
***mobilesound*** just AM and sp-202
***mobilesound*** sure
***mobilesound*** i jammed for about 30 minute last night
***ciyd*** I don't know how Keith and Bjorn feel, but 20 minutes was pretty nerve wracking.
***IntGarb*** yes kick in john when mikael is ready
***ciyd*** Mikael,
***ciyd*** sounds Very nice!
***IntGarb*** 20 minutes is a bit shaky... when one just installed the software the seconds before...
***zapruder_red*** lol
***ciyd*** hee hee!
***psychophonic*** bjorn, did you have plugins alrady on that computer, or did you just use the built-in mulch ones?
***zapruder_red*** i'm checking out my recording... kind of quiet but salvagable
***ciyd*** Or when you realize you're starting an hour early!
***IntGarb*** built in mulch ones like the SSpat and SDelay
***mobilesound*** getting my soundforge ready to record
***mobilesound*** is shaud still going?
***shaud*** next...!!!!
***psychophonic*** he just disconnected
***IntGarb*** john: kick in
***psychophonic*** good show shaud...
***IntGarb*** mobilesound: go for it!
***zapruder_red*** excellent
***zapruder_red*** the horse is dead
***mobilesound*** ha
***psychophonic*** you're going now right john***?
***shaud*** Thankyou...
***mobilesound*** yeah
***mobilesound*** am i?
***heuristics*** i didn't hear a transition...
***shaud*** How did my set sound...? too low or loud ?!
***psychophonic*** someone is broadcasting on tapegerm.com now
***toda_V*** give it some time, latency was up to 2 minutes yesterday at 21.6kbps
***heuristics*** 5that was pretty smooth.
***heuristics*** two minutes, interesting.
***ciyd*** Very long latency.
***ciyd*** Mikael, that was EXCELLENT.
***ciyd*** How do you feel?
***shaud*** well... i am feeling great...
***shaud*** ; )
***shaud*** it was fun...
***psychophonic*** awesome
***psychophonic*** is our stream showing up on olive now?
***zapruder_red*** it's both nerve-racking and a high in one
***ciyd*** Everything I love about playing live!
***zapruder_red*** this is HARD, y'know?
***toda_V*** yeah, but is anyone else doing this?
***psychophonic*** physically hard?
***IntGarb*** excellent mikael...
***ciyd*** You wouldn't think it would be this hard, would you?
***ciyd*** Not physically hard, but ymentally.
***psychophonic*** i'm having a hard time sitting over here envisioning what you guys were actually doing
***psychophonic***  i mean.. i can't think how i would do it
***ciyd*** You're juggling loops, plugins, keeping one eye on the IRC and trying to keep ahead of the cursor in Acid.
***shaud*** wtf... is that a horse that i am hearing...?!
***IntGarb*** they haven't been saying anything about letting other stream... so I guess we keep streaming until they give as a call
***IntGarb*** kelli... you kick in after john then
***ciyd*** They must like us!  They keep us going.  Any feedback on the MOO?
***ciyd*** ok
***IntGarb*** there has been... i think they like what we feed them
***ciyd*** Mikael's stream just stopped.  Waiting of John's on Olive.
***IntGarb*** BUT there also seems to have been great troubles with the other participatants
***zapruder_red*** bummer... you couldn't hear me say "TAPEGERM" with the reverse reverb...
***zapruder_red*** lol
***IntGarb*** naah... did you do that?!! :)
***zapruder_red*** yeah!
***toda_V*** yes, a horse!!!
***zapruder_red*** i just kept repeating... TAPE... GERM....
***zapruder_red*** brb
***shaud*** i think john... has to low output...
***shaud*** hmm... now i got better...
***toda_V*** hey, im curious, im listening to tapegerm.com, and it says olive
***IntGarb*** i see both john and you mikael were going mono... was that intended?
***shaud*** yes...
***shaud*** TCE streams mono...
***IntGarb*** aha...
***psychophonic*** they're not streaming john
***IntGarb*** what... what are they streaming now?
***psychophonic*** i don't know, but he's really loud, and there's nothing loud going on olive
***ciyd*** olive is streaming typewriter sounds
***toda_V*** so tapegerm.com is just mccoy right?
***psychophonic*** yeah
***psychophonic*** tce isn't even connected to our server at the moment
***toda_V*** is it named olive also?
***IntGarb*** it may be a chap called gulliboon ??!!
***toda_V*** damn mccoy, sounding cool
***psychophonic*** john said his irc is having problems, soo i IM'd him
***heuristics*** 5i wanted to hear what john was doing, it's better than what's on olive :)
***psychophonic*** i mean, TCE isn't even connected to our server anymore.. they've been connected all day,and they just fade us out when they 
  didn't want us
***toda_V*** thx
***mobilesound*** i'm going at the germ site i guess
***ciyd*** ***sniff***
***mobilesound*** ni shit
***toda_V*** its too bad they arent hooked up to us now. . .
***mobilesound*** shit
***mobilesound*** haha
***mobilesound*** oh well
***ciyd*** Are you recording this John?  we've got to release this stuff
***shaud*** they are streaming XDV now...
***toda_V*** eewww, does that mean scratchrobot soon?
***ciyd*** John,  yhis is really good
***toda_V*** it sho is!
***ciyd*** I haven't heard anything today that wasn't great.
***psychophonic*** hahaha, couldn't resist the andromeda strain sample john?
***mobilesound*** haha
***mobilesound*** just take a look
***psychophonic*** at what?
***toda_V*** his buttocks!!!
***mobilesound*** his buttocks
***toda_V*** thats not funny
***psychophonic*** not meant to e
***toda_V*** not a bit
***psychophonic*** we need to finish that TW song
***zapruder_red*** when i connect to tapegerm it says "olive" - is that right?
***psychophonic*** yeah 
***psychophonic*** somebody  just called their stream that, and it doesn't get cleared
***zapruder_red*** john's doing some cool shit
***zapruder_red*** we should put these out on vinyl... six record set ;)
***hebephrenic*** What is the link for streaming from the TG serrver?
***psychophonic*** http://www.tapegerm.com:8000
***psychophonic*** this stream sounds great for being 24k
***toda_V*** paste into winamps play location
***ciyd*** I remember vinyl!
***heuristics*** realplayer works too.
***mobilesound*** long live invader zim!
***shaud*** Well... if i put it like this... It aint to crowded at TCE, guess it will be easy to get a ticket!
***shaud*** l0l
***heuristics*** are the staticy parts due to the network, or are they in the song?
***psychophonic*** well TCE is missing the boat on this one.. do they know they're not connected to us?
***hebephrenic*** I've been listening to the Olive feed on and off when IO'm near my desk... Got it. Spooky.
***IntGarb*** we are one of ten participating (or so)  so I guess it's just fair letting every people in that has streams... but I admit johns 
***psychophonic*** i only asked like that because they totally disconnected.. earlier they just turned down the volune
***psychophonic*** volume
***IntGarb*** aha
***zapruder_red*** maybe they don't know they are disconnected.
***hebephrenic*** Who's Psychphonic?
***psychophonic*** thats me crt
***ciyd*** The god of all things streaming!
***ciyd*** :
***psychophonic***  haha
***ciyd*** :)
***hebephrenic*** Hi - sorry I'm a bit out of it - I've been running around getting serial #'s off of equipment all day.
***toda_V*** k, the big beepmap is up finally
***psychophonic*** fun
*** rfitz has joined #tapegerm
***toda_V*** bjorns cool pic helped the sound alot
***ciyd*** You're either doing inventory or its calibration time!
***rfitz*** sorry, I just got home.  what's going on?
***ciyd*** John's stuff is really good
***toda_V*** we got a private concert tho, TCE is streamin others right now
***psychophonic*** yeah
***hebephrenic*** both inventory + maintainence - the guy who did this before me left me with nothing sso I've been doing this from scratch (at 
  least with a nice soundtrack) :)
***psychophonic*** i've been trying to write documentation today, but i think i've written all of 3 paragraphs
***ciyd*** I'm sure your co-workers question your sanity!  all of you!
***mobilesound*** i'm geting lost as far as knowing whats sounds are coming from where
***toda_V*** this isnt an event to miss lightly, me thinks
***psychophonic*** agreed
***zapruder_red*** is john recording?
***toda_V*** think so, prepared soundforge before he started
***psychophonic*** he wasn't earelier
***psychophonic*** hopefully he hit record at some point
***IntGarb*** i have uploaded 4 xdv source sounds... keep manipulating!
***zapruder_red*** i'm working on some manipulations from my set
***IntGarb*** i have the first of johns set... like ten minutes or so... on MD
***shaud*** Bjn...
***IntGarb*** yes mikael
***shaud*** Have you told TCE that they aint streaming us now...
***shaud*** i mean..
***mobilesound*** i forgot to hit record
***mobilesound*** when i did AM started to sputter
***hebephrenic*** alright - Call me insnane, but I'm steaming the tapegerm server on my G4 and the Olkive server on a laptop. :)
***toda_V*** another beepmap done, 3 more to go
***IntGarb*** they want us to go for the midnite hour... now...!! :)
***hebephrenic*** What are beepmaps?
***mobilesound*** thanks for geting some of it Bjorn
***toda_V*** w00t
***mobilesound*** play again at midnight?
***toda_V*** fruity channel to turn a pic into sound
***mobilesound*** or till midnight?
***IntGarb*** thats now here in europe!
***psychophonic*** who's midnight?
***toda_V*** lol
***mobilesound*** case i coul dplay again after my daughter goes to sleep
***rfitz*** midnight gmt?
***IntGarb*** europe and austria and such
***mobilesound*** damn
***mobilesound*** ok
***IntGarb*** midnight gmt yes!
***rfitz*** that's like 7 for me; I could do that.
***mobilesound*** what would it be central?
***rfitz*** 6
***rfitz*** I think
***rfitz*** unless there's another one between east and central
***rfitz*** in which case it would be 5
***toda_V*** nope, pac, mount, cent, east
***rfitz*** ok
***IntGarb*** kelli! ready to go live soon?
***ciyd*** yes, when do they want me to start?
***ciyd*** a
***IntGarb*** in ten to fifteen minutes!  ;)  
***heuristics*** argh, realplayer now crashes every timei start it.
***psychophonic*** so john should disconnect soon
***toda_V*** damn mccoy, too nice mang :D
***heuristics*** i missed the rest of jnohn;s
***mobilesound*** some of that isnt me
***IntGarb*** kelli ... you could as well connect now... if there aren't any other germ streaming there...
***rfitz*** where can I get the video stream?  is there even a video stream?
***psychophonic*** johns still connected
***IntGarb*** and do some tests
***toda_V*** i got latency, member
***mobilesound*** someone selse want a go?
***psychophonic*** i'm looking right at the server
***IntGarb*** you can play the mix that chris made... maybe
***mobilesound*** ok i can end here
***ciyd*** I'm ready
***mobilesound*** sounds like it shou;d
***ciyd*** which do you want?
***psychophonic*** does anybody have any horse sounds? maybe we should just loop one for a couple hours
***psychophonic*** :-D
***ciyd*** Chris'?
***rfitz*** heh
***IntGarb*** our horse is dead
***IntGarb*** he got ill last year
***mobilesound*** thats was crazy
***heuristics*** is there just some noisy loop now or is my audio screwy again?
***heuristics*** oh, it's gone
***psychophonic*** excellent mulching old buddy old pal
***mobilesound*** i stopped
***mobilesound*** thank you
***IntGarb*** kelli... connect
***heuristics*** did you get to use my bits?  i lost connect
***mobilesound*** actaully i just let it go at one point and played on the sp-202
***heuristics*** it sounded great till it disappeared.
***toda_V*** (y)(8)
***ciyd*** i'm going
***mobilesound*** i think some of the olive stream was still comeing in
***psychophonic*** is this the phinneym ix?
***mobilesound*** later
***heuristics*** i hear it.
***ciyd*** no, this is me
***psychophonic*** no say nada?
***psychophonic*** ok
***heuristics*** no se nada = "i know nothing":
***mobilesound*** anything on?
***toda_V*** ''8(beep)(headphones)
***ciyd*** are they connected to our stream?
***psychophonic*** it doens' lok like it.. i'm trying to find out
***heuristics*** it sounds like john;s staticy loop, oesn't it?
***IntGarb*** ASK.NOW is making noice right now... then kelli kick in after that
***ciyd*** should i stop?
***mobilesound*** my staticy-loop? a germ loop?
***heuristics*** i thought that was what was going on at olive
***IntGarb*** kelli: you are not live to on the linz stream yet... I tell you when
***heuristics*** the thing that you did at the very end.
***psychophonic*** it's possible that they are connected, there's one ip i can't tell where it's from
***ciyd*** i'm stopping now
***psychophonic*** earlier i had no problem detecting the linz ip
***heuristics*** what's the ip, craig?
***heuristics*** that's me
***psychophonic*** ok
***heuristics*** i had a suspicion...
***mobilesound*** this is bill now?
***heuristics*** no i'm listening, not playing
***mobilesound*** ok
***psychophonic*** killi were you streaming 24k?
***heuristics*** i can't stream, i didn't set it up on work compo.
***psychophonic*** kelli  not killi
***mobilesound*** so who is this?
***psychophonic*** though that would be a good name for an evil twin or a death robot designed to look like you
***mobilesound*** ha
***toda_V*** another beepmap up
***ciyd*** no 48k
***mobilesound*** Bjorn-i'd like to get that recording from you some time
***mobilesound*** someone mentioned making a CD-we should in the future-
***mobilesound*** we could totally do little shows forourselves like this
***psychophonic*** ok, linz is connected to our stream again now
***psychophonic*** i love the idea of having a tapegerm concert series
***zapruder_red*** you didn't record your set john?
***mobilesound*** if we are to go on again i could be up for that also
***rfitz*** the best thing would be if we could effectively have more than one person playing at the same time
***toda_V*** yeah
***psychophonic*** if someone had a good connection, they could run multiple servers
***psychophonic*** mix them together and stream back out to tapegerm.com
***toda_V*** yeah
***psychophonic*** did you hear that they are connected again to us now?
***mobilesound*** no recording keith sorry
***psychophonic*** are we live on olive?
***zapruder_red*** is kelli live?
***mobilesound*** but i could set up my minidisc
***IntGarb*** kelli--- go live   go go go!
***psychophonic*** she is up?
***toda_V*** yeah, shes live
***psychophonic*** yes
***psychophonic*** well something just barfed somewhere
***zapruder_red*** i hear nothing on olive
***heuristics*** i think it would be great fun to do a concert
***heuristics*** olive is really quiet
***zapruder_red*** here we go
***IntGarb*** yah me too think that
***toda_V*** yeah it is
***IntGarb*** we can do that...
***zapruder_red*** is that kelli?
***heuristics*** "this is a secutiry annoiuncement" - is that kelli?
***IntGarb*** i think she switched to higher bit rate
***toda_V*** yep
***psychophonic*** tapegerm is still at 24k
***heuristics*** anyway, i am moving to my new house 22nd and i will get cable modem
***psychophonic*** and linz lost us again
***heuristics*** so i'd like to try concert after that!
***zapruder_red*** hmmm....
***psychophonic*** damn, where did they go?
***psychophonic*** it doesn't seem like there's anythign stopping us from broadcasting like this whenever we wanted
***heuristics*** yeah! let's  do that!
***IntGarb*** no sign they don't want our stream... something buggy jus
***psychophonic*** ok
***heuristics*** still raining, i don't think i'll play volleyball tonight :)
***shaud*** They are ready for our stream now...
***IntGarb*** they are asking us now if we are ready!  yes i said
***IntGarb*** roll kelli
***ciyd*** i've been rolling!
***ciyd*** Now i hear it cming from linz
***IntGarb*** good
***psychophonic*** you do?
***psychophonic*** they aren't connected to us again
***ciyd*** No, it's something else.
***ciyd*** maybe they are switching around on purpose
***psychophonic*** ok now they are
***IntGarb*** are you receiving on olive, craig?
***psychophonic*** i thought i heard kelli on olive
***mobilesound*** they should let us know next time they are about to drop us
***psychophonic*** but i see linz is connected to our shoutcast server
***psychophonic*** those two things aren't mutually exclusive, sorry
***psychophonic*** it sounds like kelli, and that is possible because  they are connected to us
***mobilesound*** so how long are they giving us?
***toda_V*** is this the scratchbot now?
***toda_V*** nvr mnd, guess not yet
***psychophonic*** i thought it was kelli
***IntGarb*** no its kelli... i think they are giving us an hour or a bit shorter...
***IntGarb*** but i don't know this can change fast
***psychophonic***  that sounds like scratching
***mobilesound*** i'm bringing some drum machines over to my computer
***toda_V*** the page says its offline still
***psychophonic*** mayube kelli and scratchbot are doing a duet?
***toda_V*** http://www.scratchrobot.com/
***psychophonic*** i was thinkign they might not be using that interface for this show
***psychophonic*** who knwos
***IntGarb*** shoutcast says offline... but it's not it's live
***shaud*** TGbjorn says, "where is the train now?"
***shaud*** tm says, "bulgaria, i believe" 
***psychophonic*** who's shoutcast?
***shaud*** TGbjorn says, "grateat... see no dancers..."
***shaud*** You say, "maybe it s the chillroom..."
***shaud*** tm says, "they are all stageiving at the other end"
***shaud*** tm says, "austrians ont dance"
***shaud*** tm wonders where he found such an idea
***shaud*** You say, "hahaha... ;)"
***shaud*** tm says, "dancing requires something"
***shaud*** tm says, "or so"
***shaud*** tm says, "aha, we have screens again"
***IntGarb*** thats the train... its in bulgaria now
***IntGarb*** they have a virtual train that is running thru europe
***shaud*** ?
***IntGarb*** and a dead horse
***shaud*** ?
***IntGarb*** no, just joking
***IntGarb*** but a train they have
***toda_V*** but not actually moving, just the vertigo effect of the cam making it look like moving
***mobilesound*** whats up with the dead horse thing?
***ciyd*** let me know when to stop
***psychophonic*** i was going to say.. didn't einsturzende neubauten do something with a dead cow in the studio?
***IntGarb*** our horse got sick last year so we had to take him away...
***toda_V*** es tut mir leid
***IntGarb*** kelli: i can kick in after you ... in 10 to 15 minutes or so...
***mobilesound*** i can go after bjorn
***psychophonic*** i'm thrilled that the 24k stream  sounds so good
***psychophonic*** gives hope to those with dialups
***toda_V*** yep L)
***hebephrenic*** I wish I had a way to mix in the sounds that the HVAC system here is making :)
***zapruder_red*** i'm on sneaker protocol... i have to boot down and transfer hard drive...
***zapruder_red*** boot down? did i say that??
***psychophonic*** haha
***toda_V*** lol
***psychophonic*** i thought you were singing beastie boys 
***zapruder_red*** be back soon
***psychophonic*** boot down, kick it boot down
***zapruder_red*** lol
*** zapruder_red has quit IRC (Quit: )
***toda_V*** LOL
***IntGarb*** i am lanching my AM preparing some...
***psychophonic*** how you gonna kick it?
***IntGarb*** Kelli... just SHOUT when you want me to kick in!
***toda_V*** gonna kick it BOOT DOWN!!
***hebephrenic*** Looks like everyone went home on the video feed.
***psychophonic*** now that's the picture for the album cover
***ciyd*** are you ready to go bjorn?
***rfitz*** what is the address for the video feed?
***psychophonic*** the empty room listening to tapegerm
***psychophonic*** its symbolic of... something
***toda_V*** http://cyclop.ok-centrum.at/
***rfitz*** thanks
***rfitz*** I'm getting a mix together right now, so I will be ready to go probably after kelli
***ciyd*** if bjorn is ready, i can stop now.
***toda_V*** got an hur left on the last two beepmaps
***ciyd*** been going 30 minutes
***toda_V*** hour
***ciyd*** Is somebody ready?
***ciyd*** They have to be getting tired of this already
***toda_V*** no kiddin
***toda_V*** no se nada
***IntGarb*** i can kick in now kelli if you want
***ciyd*** beuller?
***ciyd*** beuller?
***toda_V*** LOL
***IntGarb*** i have a setup
***ciyd*** ok
***mobilesound*** i've almost got my shit together
***ciyd*** coonect NOW
***IntGarb*** tell me when you disconnect
***psychophonic*** she's down now
***IntGarb*** are you receiving
***IntGarb*** ?
***psychophonic*** yeah
***IntGarb*** good  he he
***toda_V*** whoa!!!
***psychophonic*** to the shelters quickly everyone!‾
***toda_V*** damn bjorn, thats a monster mash!
***mobilesound*** this you bjorn?
***toda_V*** aha 
***psychophonic*** sweeeeeet
***toda_V*** anyone start using the beepmaps yet?
***ciyd*** Nice Bjorn
***ciyd*** What is a beepmap?
*** blindmime has joined #Tapegerm
***toda_V*** its a pic turned into sound
***psychophonic*** and they all sound the same :-D
***toda_V*** not mine, tank u veddy much
***blindmime*** who's playing now?
***psychophonic*** bjorn
***ciyd*** Cool.
***psychophonic*** so how do you get them to sound different toda?
***ciyd*** There are 4 people at Linz.  They aren't moving.
***toda_V*** tweak the knobs, foo`!!!  and the buttons too,. . . 
***psychophonic*** they've put up mannequins so that the performers will think they have an audience
***rfitz*** toda:  I'm working with the beatmaps right now
***toda_V*** ;)
***toda_V*** coo`ness
***psychophonic*** tweak the knobs int he beepmapper?
***ciyd*** lol
***toda_V*** yeah
***toda_V*** and the buttons
***psychophonic*** ok
***rfitz*** ugh
***rfitz*** I need some real instruments
***rfitz*** is it ok if I use some george clinton samples I have?
***toda_V*** LOL
***rfitz*** :)
***psychophonic*** you might get in trouble if he's listening
***rfitz*** heh
***rfitz*** true
***rfitz*** true
***rfitz*** they are actually off a sample cd I found, but the samples aren't royalty-free
***psychophonic*** actually that would be a pretty ccool variant of beatgerm
***psychophonic*** funkgerm
***rfitz*** I was just asking in general about non-original, non-tapegerm loops
***psychophonic*** i don't know what the rule is
***psychophonic*** the olive mix is soo quiet
***mobilesound*** i had to set up a microphone since my daughters getting up
***psychophonic*** you going to record her?
***toda_V*** lol cool!
***mobilesound*** its better to let her participate than to try to not
***psychophonic*** awesome
***mobilesound*** i'm going tp try this time
***mobilesound*** up the buffers on AM that should do it
***psychophonic*** can she say "tapegerm is in da house!" ?
***mobilesound*** sure
***mobilesound*** when she gets up i'll ask her to
***mobilesound*** remind me
***psychophonic*** ok
***mobilesound*** she knows how to use the er-1
***ciyd*** How about "Tapegerm - there is no cure"
***psychophonic*** actually if i'm lucky i'll get to go home sometime this evening
***mobilesound*** as far as playing it and switching patterns
***heuristics*** are you just staying to do this?
***psychophonic*** no, chris is busy ( i work with my wife)
***heuristics*** ok
***heuristics*** i was supposed to work till 7, almost done.
***mobilesound*** these sounds are great
***mobilesound*** what are you using Bjourn? AM?
***psychophonic*** they should sofas at this place
***psychophonic*** i mean that the camera is looking at
***ciyd*** Bjorn is streaming these from work
***heuristics*** i was wondering if we all hear the same thing at the same time?...?
***psychophonic*** if we're listening to the same things, more or less
***toda_V*** dont think so
***psychophonic*** definitely not technically simultaneously
***ciyd*** there will be some delay depending on how many relays it goes through before it gts to you
***psychophonic*** and depending on when you start buffering
***heuristics*** we're pretty darn experimental, ain't we?
***psychophonic*** is it only bjorn streaming now?  the olive mix is really cool
***IntGarb*** im pretty done... so if any one else are ready  go gor it
***psychophonic*** that was awesome once again bjorn
***toda_V*** yeah
***heuristics*** good stuff, i can finally turn it up, that woman left
***ciyd*** Who's next?  If you're not ready, I'll play Chris' mix
***psychophonic*** you should do that before it gets too late
***psychophonic*** how long is his mix?
***toda_V*** (beep)(headphones)
***ciyd*** Ok, I'll cue it up.
***ciyd*** tell me when you disconnect, bjorn
***IntGarb*** i'm a feedback... please take over the stream
***ciyd*** 3minute 40 seconds
***IntGarb*** i disconnect now
***IntGarb*** connect
***toda_V*** i wish i could be a feedback ;)
***mobilesound*** what are you about to do kelli?
***psychophonic*** haha
***mobilesound*** playing what i mena?
***ciyd*** I just connected and Chris mix should be going.
***mobilesound*** fripp in the house
***mobilesound*** ok
***IntGarb*** are we live?
***psychophonic*** should be
***IntGarb*** good
***mobilesound*** is that you wiht the feedback gts?
***ciyd*** You have about 3 minutes
***IntGarb*** even on the olive thang
***toda_V*** one beepmap to go
***ciyd*** whos after that?
***psychophonic*** we were a second ago
***psychophonic*** i switched to the TG stream
***mobilesound*** i got some of the beepmappps
***IntGarb*** puh... its sweaty to "perform"
***toda_V*** what didya think mccoy?
*** zapruder_red has joined #tapegerm
***mobilesound*** well i havent heard them yet
***mobilesound*** just got them
***ciyd*** keith are you going next?
***zapruder_red*** i don't think so
***ciyd*** 1:30 left on the Chris song
***mobilesound*** whos next?
***ciyd*** Mikael?  John?
***mobilesound*** mikael can go
***toda_V*** damn 7 hours to go for the scratchrobot. . . 
***mobilesound*** just as long as i dont get cut out again 
***mobilesound*** ha
***ciyd*** Mikael are you ready?
***rfitz*** how long is each turn?  I think I'll be ready after mikael?
***ciyd*** chris' song is done now
***rfitz*** *.
***psychophonic*** that was a cool mix
***ciyd*** I disconnected
***mobilesound*** is shaud ready?
***mobilesound*** or should i?
***shaud*** yuo can go before me...
***ciyd*** somebody hit play!
***heuristics*** i hear nothing
***psychophonic*** nobody's connected
***ciyd*** there's nobody connected
***mobilesound*** i cant connect
***heuristics*** need.  music.  now.
***mobilesound*** there we go
***psychophonic*** we are the only ones on olive
***toda_V*** damn it Jim, im a doctor, not a streaming genius . . 
***mobilesound*** haha
***mobilesound*** i got it
***IntGarb*** john.. you re live?
***psychophonic*** yeah he is
***IntGarb*** great?
***toda_V*** yeah, we r on olive too i suppose
***psychophonic*** linz may be  having problems getting our signal
***heuristics*** i dont hear anything on olve anymore.
***IntGarb*** i was just launching mulch just in case
***ciyd*** give it a minute
***blindmime*** how much longer all together?
***toda_V*** quite a while i think
***ciyd*** maybe an hour, that was the original schedule
***mobilesound*** it seems that i'm still streaming the TCE
***IntGarb*** tim is thanking us all for our contribution and says tonight has been interesting
***blindmime*** You been having fun?
***zapruder_red*** how much longer are they doing this?
***IntGarb*** OH yeah
***toda_V*** oh yea
***heuristics*** interesting?  is that positive? :)
***psychophonic*** mucho funno
***IntGarb*** 10 20 30 minutes more... i don't know
***zapruder_red*** that's a yello song... "oh yeah"
***heuristics*** it's fun to try to keep listening.
***hebephrenic*** Any idea how many people tuned in?
***psychophonic*** olive is wanked out
***heuristics*** chika chika
***blindmime*** what i've been able to hear sounds like you've been having a blast.
***mobilesound*** is kelli still going?
***blindmime*** what's olive?
***zapruder_red*** really? I thought this was going for hours and hours more
***ciyd*** I'm not hearing anything on olive
***toda_V*** olive is quiet
***psychophonic*** you are up arent you john?
***IntGarb*** olive = their stream
***ciyd*** No I'm not going 
***mobilesound*** i thought so
***zapruder_red*** tuareg is killing me right now... it keeps crashing
***psychophonic*** yeah it's you
***blindmime*** what's the olive address?
***mobilesound*** i sahould be connect to the germ site?
***mobilesound*** me?
***psychophonic*** http://bonjour.mp3.at:8000/olive
***psychophonic*** you're right?
***mobilesound*** is that where i need to connedt***
***mobilesound*** the germ sever
***psychophonic*** no, aren't you alrady connected to us?
***psychophonic*** tapegerm.com
***mobilesound*** yeah i'm on the germ site
***mobilesound*** i thioght there were getting there stream from us
***psychophonic*** you're doing right
***mobilesound*** ok
***psychophonic*** they're just messed up currently
***mobilesound*** but i heard voices
***mobilesound*** olvie?
***mobilesound*** is messed up
***psychophonic*** i think so
***psychophonic*** they are silent
***ciyd*** those voices are in your head!
***psychophonic*** is anybody on the moo?
***mobilesound*** let me know when we kick back in
***psychophonic*** you are playijng on tapegerm.com now
***toda_V*** damn, i thought this was going to be a day long affair, kinda like the fair
***psychophonic*** well, i finally got the word that i canl eave work
***hebephrenic*** Olive's been quiet for a few minutes here.
***psychophonic*** maybe somebody should ask on the moo why it's quiet
***IntGarb*** we can make it all the night from www.tapegerm.com:8000
***psychophonic*** but i'm leafving, so have fun.. talk to you later
***psychophonic*** yeah
***psychophonic*** b ye
***IntGarb*** bye!! :)
***mobilesound*** it doesnt like me
***toda_V*** cya
***ciyd*** bubye
***mobilesound*** later
*** psychophonic has quit IRC (Quit: [x]chat)
***IntGarb*** whos "it"
***toda_V*** the voices
***mobilesound*** their server
***mobilesound*** ha the voices
***mobilesound*** maybe i should go after someone else
***toda_V*** maybe they shut down, but damn it, i wanted to confuse the scratchbot. . . :(
***IntGarb*** is olive quite now?
***toda_V*** yeah
***mobilesound*** not sure
***mobilesound*** i need to make a quick dinner soon for bradley
***blindmime*** i can't get into the olive url
***mobilesound*** haha
***mobilesound*** damn
***mobilesound*** i wanted to say i played autria
***mobilesound*** austria
***ciyd*** i don't hear anything
***rfitz*** hmm.  I don't know if I have a half hour of material here.  can I just jam for 5, 10, 15 mins, then have someone else go?
***mobilesound*** that cool
***mobilesound*** want to connect soon***?
***mobilesound*** let me know and i'll disconnect till later
***rfitz*** hmm
***rfitz*** well
***rfitz*** give me a minute or two
***mobilesound*** ok
***blindmime*** i've gotta run and drop something at FedEx. It's been a a real shitty day.
***heuristics*** sorry to hear it.
***IntGarb*** now the officially "closing the loop"  ... so guess it's time to go... its been really fun ! :)
***heuristics*** is it over?
***mobilesound*** thats it then?
***mobilesound*** damn
***ciyd*** Yes, it has been fun
***mobilesound*** i moved all this gear over here
***mobilesound*** it was cool
***heuristics*** let's do a tg concert soon
***IntGarb*** the linz show is over... we can still stream if we want for us self
***mobilesound*** YES YES YES YES
***mobilesound*** someone go soon and i'll drop out for a bit
***rfitz*** ok
***rfitz*** I think I'm about ready
***rfitz*** one sec
***mobilesound*** but since my shit is over here i'll intnet to play some time tonight
***mobilesound*** i'm all syked up to do so
***IntGarb*** you can see they lite up the place and start disconnecting the gear... 
***rfitz*** what's the password?
***toda_V*** tapegerm
***rfitz*** heh
***rfitz*** ok
***mobilesound*** ok?
***mobilesound*** disconnected
***mobilesound*** did you guys hear here scream?
***mobilesound*** she doenst seem to want the mic rigth now
***mobilesound*** gets alittle testy when she   gets up like me
***ciyd*** there it is
*** mobilesound has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
***IntGarb*** oh funky.. great :)
***ciyd*** funkgerm!
***IntGarb*** who's streaming?
***IntGarb*** is it ryan?
***zapruder_red*** i'll be ready in 20 minutes, cool?
***zapruder_red*** or did i miss something... it's over isn't it?
***toda_V*** the TCE is
***zapruder_red*** oh well
***zapruder_red*** i have the germ of a new mix prepared!
***IntGarb*** but the other show is going on aswell... ours!!
***zapruder_red*** should i try it?
***toda_V*** yeah!
***IntGarb*** let hear that after (who it is) is finished streaming!
***heuristics*** hey kids...
***zapruder_red*** give me a bit... almost ready
***heuristics*** i need to go to my new house and pull up carpet tack stripsa
***heuristics*** so i'll talk to you tomorrow!
***heuristics*** good luck with the show, this is great stuff.
***rfitz*** ok
***rfitz*** I'm done
*** mobilesound has joined #tapegerm
***heuristics*** bye!
***toda_V*** ok i moved all the beepmaps over to my june folder
*** heuristics has quit IRC (Quit: Leaving)
***IntGarb*** so... keith.. you are kickin in?
***mobilesound*** did i miss anything?
***mobilesound*** nothing happening?
***zapruder_red*** i just uploaded some manipulated loops
***zapruder_red*** and i'm almost prepared to do something else
***zapruder_red*** patch bay is a mess though
***IntGarb*** keith: go live!
***zapruder_red*** i can't!
***IntGarb*** oh
***zapruder_red*** soon
***toda_V*** good work everybody!
***toda_V*** (y)
***zapruder_red*** forget it... i can't do it
***IntGarb*** i'm glad we managed to get this thing working!  very good work! :)
***zapruder_red*** yes excellent job everyone!
***mobilesound*** YES
***IntGarb*** i can go live for ten minutes or so
***zapruder_red*** ;)
***zapruder_red*** cool - have fun with it
***zapruder_red*** i'll listen
***shaud*** i will edit the TCE recordings and mp3 them and upload them on the server..!!!!
***mobilesound*** opens up tapergem in a different way
***mobilesound*** how much did you record?
***mobilesound*** is anyone streaming?
***zapruder_red*** who's streaming right now?
***rfitz*** I don't think anyone
***rfitz*** is anyone planning on?
***mobilesound*** did you go yet?
***zapruder_red*** i gave up
***ciyd*** bummer
***zapruder_red*** i forgot i unplugged all the cables from my mixer in frustration!
***zapruder_red*** i'm a little "out of it" right now
***mobilesound*** for somereason its not letting me connect
***ciyd*** who's that?
***rfitz*** bjn:  should I mix the stuff I was streaming the other night a little bit?
***mobilesound*** is someone else on then?
***rfitz*** I'm not
***zapruder_red*** somebody
***ciyd*** someone just connected
***zapruder_red*** their system sounds were going nutty
***mobilesound*** not me
***IntGarb*** are you receiving me
***toda_V*** bjorn?
***IntGarb*** yes
***zapruder_red*** oh yeah
***IntGarb*** feedbacking again
***ciyd*** sounds good
***rfitz*** yeah
***zapruder_red*** give it to me baby
***shaud*** i have recorded 140min of the TCE stream!
***mobilesound*** ok
***mobilesound*** got
***rfitz*** who is this right now?
***mobilesound*** so your were recording from the TCE stream or straight from the tapegerm site?
***toda_V*** bjn
***rfitz*** ah
***rfitz*** cool
***mobilesound*** beat me to it
***mobilesound*** bjorn is robert fripp incarnate
***rfitz*** heh
***zapruder_red*** lol
***mobilesound*** if he were dead a guess
***rfitz*** I should do that right now
***shaud*** mostly from the TCE stream.. but i got the first 50 mins from the tg stream...
***rfitz*** bass + delay
***rfitz*** right into the stream
***rfitz*** :)
***mobilesound*** did you get any of mine***?
***mobilesound*** ?
***toda_V*** anybody here use synthedit besided mccoy?
***IntGarb*** i got some mettalic fripp sounds there i guess
***shaud*** whats that ?
***shaud*** Synthedit ?
***zapruder_red*** are you mulching bjorn?
***toda_V*** like AM or buzz
***shaud*** ok
***mobilesound*** But you can creat VSTs!!!!!!!!!!!!
***toda_V*** but alot better, its got actual pieces of a synth instead of already built synths
***toda_V*** its like reaktor, but smaller
***shaud*** aha... tell me more...
***shaud*** ?!?!?!
***rfitz*** has anyone here used ableton live?
***shaud*** no
***toda_V*** http://www.synthedit.com
***shaud*** ok
***rfitz*** I've been mixing a bit with it lately, it's really cool
***toda_V*** i have, i like it
***zapruder_red*** i'll check that out
***toda_V*** nice time stretching on it, alot better than acid
***rfitz*** yes
***rfitz*** absolutely
***mobilesound*** wandering if i hsould moved my gear back--wonder what the wife whould think walking into the mess straight from work
***shaud*** OMG... i am donwloading on the double...!!!
***toda_V*** plus its good for live perf
***ciyd*** I tried messing about with the Ablketon demo, but didn't spend much time with it.
***rfitz*** you can take rhythmless loops and make them rhythmic, which is really cool
***rfitz*** yeah
***ciyd*** Acid is possible, but not the best tool for live mixing.
***rfitz*** I just did my set with it, and have also been playing with some other tapegerm stuff
***rfitz*** yeah
***rfitz*** definitely not
***ciyd*** Live will also records what you do
***toda_V*** yeah, like acid, u can record audio tracks with it
***rfitz*** live is just about the only tool I have used (besides mulch, but I don't like mulch that much) that is good for performance
***rfitz*** yeah
***toda_V*** and realtime arrangements
***rfitz*** yes
***rfitz*** that is really cool
***ciyd*** Live will records what you do to the loops whereas Acid doesn't
***toda_V*** i just wish it had a freakin sequencer on it for MIDI notes, not triggers
***rfitz*** I have a midi keyboard hooked up, and I can just choose samples and record the mix live, then go back and edit it
***rfitz*** yes
***rfitz*** yeah
***rfitz*** that's truee
***rfitz*** *true
***rfitz*** that would be nice
***rfitz*** you could probably run virtual sampler at the same time or something
***toda_V*** yeah
***rfitz*** but not conveniently, it's true
***mobilesound*** rfitz--you going soon?
***rfitz*** I already went
***rfitz*** I'm considering going again
***mobilesound*** when?
***toda_V*** or fruity, since it does midi clock
***rfitz*** a few minutes ag
***rfitz*** o
***rfitz*** the funk thing
***rfitz*** yeah
***mobilesound*** i might wait till my wife gets home
***mobilesound*** i missed it then
***rfitz*** ah
***mobilesound*** i had to reboot at one point
***toda_V*** so, mccoy, u want that ftp info for the synth?
***rfitz*** yeah, it was pretty short
***mobilesound*** sure
***mobilesound*** send it
***mobilesound*** whos ftp is it?
***IntGarb*** any one for stream... i think i making it any further now
***toda_V*** IP: 
***toda_V*** PORT: 666 
***toda_V*** Login: tHE oTHER vAULT 
***toda_V*** PW: LemmeIn 
***toda_V*** another musician who is very generous
***mobilesound*** cool
***rfitz*** so what's this thing about midnight?
***rfitz*** oh, wait
***rfitz*** heh
***rfitz*** it is midnight
***rfitz*** :)
***toda_V*** keep in mind it is case sensitive
***toda_V*** and be in passive mode
***mobilesound*** yeah
***mobilesound*** ok
***toda_V*** if the login slots r full, wait about 5 minutes or he wont let u in at all if u keep hammering at the login
***mobilesound*** ok
***rfitz*** are we doing the peer review thing tomorrow night?
***zapruder_red*** well, good night everybody... it's been a blast
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***shaud*** Hey Bjn... are you driving your ThaiBus home...?!
***IntGarb*** the vespa piaggio... yes!
***shaud*** you know... in thailand i saw 8 people on one Vespa...
***IntGarb*** shall wait so it gets a bit brighter... hasnt got no lamps
***IntGarb*** cool
***shaud*** haha... well its pretty brigth over here...
***IntGarb*** am i still streaming?
***rfitz*** yes
***rfitz*** heh
***IntGarb*** not in Pr舖tmon
***rfitz*** is it just going without you?
***shaud*** they... even drove around pigs on them..
***IntGarb*** yes it.s AudioMulch... i tweak the feedback knobs now and then
***toda_V*** hey bjorn, thanks for involving the tapegerm in TCE, it was a blast!
***ciyd*** Yes, Thanks to Bjorn!
***rfitz*** yes
***IntGarb*** you should also thank kelli.. .i think it was her that first pointed the TCE things out... :)
***IntGarb*** from a link that mikael was posting
***toda_V*** thank u Kelli
***shaud*** yeah... Thank you Papa Bear & Mama Bear...
***rfitz*** heh
***shaud*** ; )
***ciyd*** It all mutates and germinates!
***ciyd*** We now know how to stream live.
***IntGarb*** organic that is
***rfitz*** teacher:  "class, say thank you."  second-graders:  "thank you!"
***ciyd*** Very organic
***rfitz*** yes
***rfitz*** I wonder if there is any way to interact more directly with each other?
***ciyd*** That's "Thank you Mr. International Garbageman" ;-)
***rfitz*** as opposed to just taking turns.
***rfitz*** heh
***rfitz*** right
***ciyd*** I'd like to hear a 2nd grade class say that
***rfitz*** me too
***ciyd*** We'll have to work on the interactive bit
***shaud*** That would be Phasing Stereo effects...
***toda_V*** like crt said, more servers running streams, mixed and then broadcast thru tapegerm, that is the best bet so far
***rfitz*** yeah
***rfitz*** the trick would be synchronizing them
***rfitz*** on the off chance somebody wanted to play in time :)
***toda_V*** LOL
***rfitz*** I wonder if there's any way to stream midi time codes online?
***rfitz*** that could come in handy
***toda_V*** there is a program i saw that does that, ill post it when i find it again
***rfitz*** cool
***rfitz*** ok
***rfitz*** I'm going to go now
***rfitz*** later
***ciyd*** bye Ryan
***toda_V*** hasta
***rfitz*** heh
***rfitz*** vale
*** rfitz has quit IRC (Quit: from chaos comes clarity.)
***mobilesound*** ok
***mobilesound*** wife is home!
***mobilesound*** whos streaming?
***toda_V*** did u get the JamSynthLead yet?
***mobilesound*** no
***mobilesound*** will do later
***IntGarb*** we could always get into the MOO thing exploring all possibilities with that...??
***toda_V*** coo`
***shaud*** Bjn: Noooo way....
***IntGarb*** MOO MOO MOO MOO
***shaud*** hahahaaaa
***IntGarb*** it's me streamin i think
***mobilesound*** haha you think?
***mobilesound*** thats funny
***IntGarb*** yeah... no.. i know but i can't hear if i am alive 
***IntGarb*** uppp si m afdv
***mobilesound*** its quiet ascending tones
***mobilesound*** i think CRT ws going to jam when he got home
***IntGarb*** then it's me
***mobilesound*** ok
***IntGarb*** john... do you want ta take over the stream?
***toda_V*** hey mccoy, u might need to tweak the structure on the synth, i have a midi input and the FM Comp VST fx inside
***mobilesound*** cna someone else take the stream?
***mobilesound*** or i gueess i could so a small set before dinner
***mobilesound*** we might do somehting tonigth since its so nice out
***IntGarb*** just say when you are ready
***mobilesound*** i'll be ready in about 2 minutes
***IntGarb*** i disconnected... thanx for tonight... it's been a pleasure hanging out at this TCE thang...
***IntGarb*** see ya... bye
***toda_V*** bye
***toda_V*** im out too, lataz yall
*** toda_V has left #tapegerm
*** IntGarb has quit IRC (Quit: )
***ciyd*** I've got to go, too.  It was great!
*** ciyd has quit IRC (Quit: )
*** blindmime has quit IRC (Quit: )
***mobilesound*** where did every go?
***mobilesound*** should i bother?
***mobilesound*** i h=just got ready
***mobilesound*** sending
***mobilesound*** anyone still listening?
***shaud*** not me... im editing the recorded streams...
***mobilesound*** ok
***mobilesound*** then i'mm done
***shaud*** ok
***mobilesound*** later
*** mobilesound has quit IRC (Quit: )
*** hebephrenic has quit IRC (gaston.se.eu.dal.net valhall.hub.eu.dal.net)
*** hebephrenic has joined #tapegerm
*** Disconnected

End of #tapegerm buffer    Fri Jun 07 02:41:56 2002

Session Close: Fri Jun 07 02:42:19 2002

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Tapegerm's 20th Anniversary

By tapegerm, 2020-08-13

We're talking about a project to mark Tapegerm's 20th anniversary. https://www.facebook.com/groups/tapegerm

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Deadline for Harsh Reality Music tribute compilation July 4th
Electronic Cottage Compilation 7: Forgotten Memories Of A Harsh Future -- a tribute to Harsh Reality Music. Electronic music compilation.

Send WAV file no longer than 5 minutes, with artist and track title, via WeTransfer to haltapes@gmail.com. New shit only. Deadline July 4, 2020. Participation open to any member of EC Group or HRM Group. Only the best tracks will be included. Also, do not post your track for the compilation anywhere online prior to the publication of the compilation.
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Front Page Privilèges

By tapegerm, 2016-07-30
Front Page Privilèges

You may notice a change to the blogs and videos appearing here on Tapegerm's front  page. After dealing with a fairly steady spewing of spam, we've made the front page blog list show only artists who are collaborating and otherwise participating with us. Historically, that's determined by whether or not you upload a composition utilizing one or more source files you might find provided via any of the many projects on Tapegerm. You're considered a collaborator if you also just create collaboration projects in which we can participate.

Spam is considered anything posted by anyone who is not otherwise collaborating with us. Tapegerm is strictly a labor of love by everyone involved so you may find spam by artists only attempting to promote themselves or by bottom-feeding content trolls. Neither activity is productive here.

While we don't feel any obligation to do so, be forewarned that on any given day, profiles that contain content without having otherwise collaborated here will be deleted without warning -- the entire profile and its content. 

Now, go visit a project page and collaborate. It's good for the soul and a splendid time.

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Collective Source Drop June 2016

By tapegerm, 2016-06-01
Collective Source Drop June 2016

We have begun a collective source drop for June 2016. Just go to the new forum topic and add your own source audio and loops to the collection. We'll compile them onto archive.org after the end of each month.


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Weird Instruments Facebook Group

By tapegerm, 2015-07-11
Weird Instruments Facebook Group

I just joined the Weird Instruments Tribe group on Facebook.

Find it here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/WeirdInstrumentTribe/

It's admin'd by Travis Johnson whom I know from posts in various groups, experimental musician and artist.

Description: A group to celebrate, discuss and share unusual approaches to traditional (or invented) musical instruments or visual instruments.......

THINK: preparations of traditional instruments...........unusual recording techniques for said instruments..........invention of new instruments.............altered tunings............alternate playing techniques.........resources for creativity..........resources for listening........musical philosophy............THINK!!!

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