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Virtual Religion is Donhead and D.Howse.
Project-364: November 2004
Tapegerm Collective is making its entire archive of source audio files created by its resident artists between 2000-2010 available royalty free to mark its 20th Anniversary in 2020-21.
Please consider sharing any work you create which utilizes Tapegerm sources at tapegerm.com.

There may be files from other artists related to this project listed below.
Include "Project-364" in your credits to have your recording appear on this page.
This project has a related mother project. Also include "Project-20" in your credits to have your recording appear HERE.
Recordings for Project-364
The inspiration for this recording was provided by Tapegermer (and co-founder) Chris Phinney for his Electronic Cottage compilation project The Vision of Twilight.
. Credits: Instrumentation used: Lunacy Audio Cube Synth (with mangled Tapegerms by Blind Mime, Heuristics Inc, Jeff Davis & the Beauregards, Sin:Ned, Suckling Infants Network, James P. Bergman, CIIIGoff, Virtual Religion, David Alexander McDonald, International Garbageman), Klevgrand Tomofon, Arturia CMS80, Native Instruments Pharlight, Casio CT-S1000V Vocal Synthesizer..I created this on an early saturday morning using a gamegerm project improvised in Loopy.
. Credits: Sources by: David Alexander McDonald, Darph Nader, Suckling Infants Network, Jack Hertz, anixas, Virtual Religion, The Magical Cigarette, Corypheus, melodywhore, Ed Drury.This is my first go at gaming germs.
. Credits: Sources by: Hal McGee, Solaris, mystified, Buzzsaw & the Shavings, JSG58, Virtual Religion, Anti-Gravity Workshop, don campau, Zebra Mann, Mellow Jeremy,.Making a 'thing' with ten random samples isn't a doddle!
When I first arrived at Tapegerm (following Blind Mime from Songfight) I was all about songs and lyrics. Now, obviously, not so much.
I used an old Mac with Logic 8 and dragged the ten samples in... and left them where they fell. Then re-used some elsewhere. I never knew the pope liked cornichon - I hope that's what the french translates as, not that it matters.
The end result, with an addition of a one take voice track is odd, nay weird. So 'weird' is its genre.
All in all 'twas BIG FUN!
Onto No. 2.
. Credits: Heuristics Inc Element 109 Project(s): 241 anixas Comp Guitar 2 Project(s): 428 anixas Drinkin Vocal Project(s): 428 Solaris Univeria Sekt Choir Loop Project(s): 426 Solaris Phased Confuzed Synth Pluck Bass Project(s): 426 Dave Fuglewicz Loop 002 Project(s): 201 CIIIGoff Generated Voice 1 Project(s): 38 Sin:Ned August 2002 - 10 Project(s): 458 Virtual Religion Hard Hitting Bass Project(s): 364 BPM: 160 Donhead Chorus 1 Project(s): 288.