The Suckling Infants Network is equal parts music cult and underground worldwide movement. The ultra-reclusive and rarely seen ordained leader, Dr. Brother Mike DD has a legacy of composing outsider experimental electronic compositions since he was a Suckling Infant. Heavenly influenced by Pre-War Blues, the sound is raw, powerful and primitive, conveying emotions that are very tender in some spots and as hard as nails in others. Hard to define, the sounds vary from CD to CD. From toe tapping sweet sounds to noise, glitch laden with odd timings, strange combinations and heavy effects comes the sounds of seizures. Please enjoy our PAIN.
Sleepwalking 2
streams: 24
Credits: by Suckling Infants. Kelli Wise, Bev Stanton, Chirs Phinney, Mike Cole "Suckling Infants - Industry Krapp". Sound effects by Mike Cole "Suckling Infants - Industry Krapp".
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