Project-428: Guest Artist Michael Cosma

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Recordings for Project-428
I created this on an early saturday morning using a gamegerm project improvised in Loopy.
. Credits: Sources by: David Alexander McDonald, Darph Nader, Suckling Infants Network, Jack Hertz, anixas, Virtual Religion, The Magical Cigarette, Corypheus, melodywhore, Ed Drury.Many of the sources were sampled in Logic and performed in real time.
. Credits: Lyric and music by Bryan Baker. © Brian F Baker. Sources by: Jeff Davis & the Beauregards, anixas, peeler, shaud, Zapruder Red, mystified, kongbalong, Solaris, Cystem, JSG58,.Making a 'thing' with ten random samples isn't a doddle!
When I first arrived at Tapegerm (following Blind Mime from Songfight) I was all about songs and lyrics. Now, obviously, not so much.
I used an old Mac with Logic 8 and dragged the ten samples in... and left them where they fell. Then re-used some elsewhere. I never knew the pope liked cornichon - I hope that's what the french translates as, not that it matters.
The end result, with an addition of a one take voice track is odd, nay weird. So 'weird' is its genre.
All in all 'twas BIG FUN!
Onto No. 2.
. Credits: Heuristics Inc Element 109 Project(s): 241 anixas Comp Guitar 2 Project(s): 428 anixas Drinkin Vocal Project(s): 428 Solaris Univeria Sekt Choir Loop Project(s): 426 Solaris Phased Confuzed Synth Pluck Bass Project(s): 426 Dave Fuglewicz Loop 002 Project(s): 201 CIIIGoff Generated Voice 1 Project(s): 38 Sin:Ned August 2002 - 10 Project(s): 458 Virtual Religion Hard Hitting Bass Project(s): 364 BPM: 160 Donhead Chorus 1 Project(s): 288.For Gamegerm 2020.
. Credits: Generative Mix by Thomas Park..