Blind Mime Ensemble
Blind Mime Ensemble
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  • Updates 5   Joined July 04, 2014
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Creating new compositions from new and old sounds, either played or repurposed.

A random selection of Blind Mime Ensemble tracks.
Recent tracks featuring Blind Mime Ensemble sources.
buzzsaw Kamakura Mental CIIIGoff bedawang anixas Shell

Ruth Remixed

Ruth Remixed

Various Artists - Ruth Remixed

Recordings created by Tapegerm Collective artists with loops from the song "Hey, Ruth" by Blind Mime Ensemble (BF Baker).

Visit The Tapegerm Collective

01 Blind Mime Ensemble "Hey, Ruth"
The original track from which all this subsequent madness ensues.

02 Cystem "Wheelin"
Blind Mime Open Loops, Don Campau Guest Artist Mix, Omnitechnomatrix Open Loops , Q-Cut Guest Artist Mix and Cystem. Being inspired by Bryan and Don's guitar loops, I went out and got myself a Line6 PODxt and an Ebow. yeehaw.

03 Renedo "Please give my monkey eyeballs"
Blind Mime Open Loops, Heuristics Inc Open Loops, Halloween Mix, Kamakura for the name.

04 Hal McGee "Cobwebs"
Halloween, Mental Anguish Open Loops, Blind Mime Open Loops, Hal McGee Open Loops; Hal McGee: mix, voice, theremin. This is a remix of a 1996 spoken word piece from my VA-10 album.

05 Mental Anguish "Every Cat Needs Its Scratching Post"
Blind Mime Open Loops/extra vox Mental Anguish. Used only Blind Mime Open Loops. Added some vox..

06 International Garbageman "Sometimes (tracks wont upload)"
Loops: Blind Mime Open loops Mix: International Garbageman. Rainy summer days sitting inside making things more fun! But sometimes files neither upload or download.

07 C. Goff III "The Ballad Of William Burroughs Creek"
Featuring a few words from the late great hero himself, Blind Mime Open Loops, Hal McGee Open Loops, Arthur Loves Plastic Open Loops, Mellow Jeremy Guest Artist, & Michael Thomas Jackson Guest Artist. Composed, arranged, sung, & strummed by C. Goff III.. This is a true story which took place September 4, 2006, a few blocks from my home in Lawrence, Kansas. The accompanying photo collage was made from the few pictures mentioned in the song.

08 The Ghosts Lounge "Like Thomas Jefferson Loves HipHop I Love You Baby"
Tapegerm Resident Artist loops by DJ Get Yo Fat On Open loops and Blind Mime Open Loops, Soul Bossa Nova by Quincy Jones, Picking Up Girls Made Easy from Hyde Park Records (1975). Thomas Jefferson seems to have been obsessed with innovation for its own sake, and I think he would have appreciated how well hip-hop represents the rhythms that result from modern innovations. There's innovation and originality in relationships too, and I've often thought that it's the small moments of private wit, like a passing, brilliantly-conceived bit of cute talk on the part of a girlfriend or wife, that should be counted among the most valuable things in life. As for the remaining texts and subtexts in the song, I leave that up to you. This is the second track from what I plan as my first all-Tapegerm album, and it's in keeping with the spirit of the first one I posted.

09 Buzzsaw The Shavings "Stealing Henriettas Gown for the Duc Philippe"
Blind Mime Open Loops Mix. Entirely excluded from the affairs of state and partaking of the conquests of the Rhine and beyond by order of discerning higher authority, the debauched Duc Philippe compensates by making a raid on wife Henrietta's bedroom in order to achieve the conquest of her favourite gown.

10 Insecta Sonic "A Fugue for 23 Freaks"
Mix Insecta Sonic: Dave Fuglewicz open loops, CYSTEM open loops, Buzzsaw open loops, Rootsy Records, Blind Mime open loops, Heuristics Inc. open loops, Mental Anguish free loop project 013, Omnitechnomatrix free loop project 013, B. Laswell, Analog Ind. A dark ambient ride through synthetic textures, frequencies and voices. Sticky, chewy, exotic and cerebral, fortified with 12 vitamins, minerals and performance enhancing compounds that won't show up when tested.

11 shaud "Hey Ruth scandinavian edit"
blind mime open loops. Some greats loops from blind mime that inspired me alot. Some of them were so great that i did not want to "destroy" them.

12 Eel Eye "Choking"
S.L.I.P. guest artist mix, Mental Anguish Open loops, Blind Mime Open Loops. A sudden inspiration drawing heavily from S.L.I.P.'s loops, and a very sliced & processed Mental Anguish sample.

13 DJ Get "That girl needs a Q Tip"
Mix by DJ Get Yo Fat On/ loops Scott Carr, Blind Mime, Q-Cut, Omnitechnomatrix, Acid Freak, Q-Cut Guest artist, Blind Mime Open loops, Omnitechnomatrix Open Loops. For my sister Bela :-)

14 Blind Mime Ensemble "Disconnect Notice"
Mental Anguish Open Loops, CYSTEM Open Loops, Buzzsaw Open Loops, Hal McGee Open Loops, Blind Mime Open Loops, Groovemaker Teknostorm Loops, Steinberg Cold Fusion Loops.. A direction I'm wandering directionless around a kind of improv composition ethic.

15 Slave Labour "Hey Ruth mmm sometimes"
Loops by Blind Mime Ensemble.
