Insecta Sonic
Insecta Sonic
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  Joined October 26, 2020

Insecta Sonic is created from the larval mind of a sonic deviant who is interested in exploring and creating new musical lifeforms. Insecta Sonic is a genre bending shape shifting, transdimensional machine elf from the multiverse of infinite frequencies. Transmitting from radio paradox in sector 23 on planet Hollywood a doorway has been opened to travel between the light and the dark....

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Electro Kool Aid

album: Digital Polynation
genre: Electrocore
streams: 13

Credits: Mixed by Insecta Sonic: Electroearwig , Omnitechnomatrix open loops, free loop project 013, Mental Anguish open loops, free loop project 013, Heuristics Inc. open loops, International Garbageman open loops, Sonic Foundry, Skinny Puppy

Sourced from Project
Using source file

Story: "Very hypnotic piece smooth changes & quite mind bending, Excellent production !" --Mental Anguish (posted 10/04/05) "Like a certain cold drink, EKA has flavor that will make you want seconds and thirds. Clever arrangements, especially on the sound collage pieces. Great job!" -- (posted 10/03/05)

Electro Kool Aid
