- Followers 13
- Following 1
- Updates 112
Tapegerm Collective began in May 2000, spawned from a collaboration at homemademusic.com where loops from a selection of diy cassette albums were dropped into a pool that artists used to create new music. A group of these artists formed a collective project to share loops and evolve the resulting music over time; currently mutating into its 20th year.
Front Page Privilèges
You may notice a change to the blogs and videos appearing here on Tapegerm's front page. After dealing with a fairly steady spewing of spam, we've made the front page blog list show only artists who are collaborating and otherwise participating with us. Historically, that's determined by whether or not you upload a composition utilizing one or more source files you might find provided via any of the many projects on Tapegerm. You're considered a collaborator if you also just create collaboration projects in which we can participate.
Spam is considered anything posted by anyone who is not otherwise collaborating with us. Tapegerm is strictly a labor of love by everyone involved so you may find spam by artists only attempting to promote themselves or by bottom-feeding content trolls. Neither activity is productive here.
While we don't feel any obligation to do so, be forewarned that on any given day, profiles that contain content without having otherwise collaborated here will be deleted without warning -- the entire profile and its content.
Now, go visit a project page and collaborate. It's good for the soul and a splendid time.