The Suckling Infants Network is equal parts music cult and underground worldwide movement. The ultra-reclusive and rarely seen ordained leader, Dr. Brother Mike DD has a legacy of composing outsider experimental electronic compositions since he was a Suckling Infant. Heavenly influenced by Pre-War Blues, the sound is raw, powerful and primitive, conveying emotions that are very tender in some spots and as hard as nails in others. Hard to define, the sounds vary from CD to CD. From toe tapping sweet sounds to noise, glitch laden with odd timings, strange combinations and heavy effects comes the sounds of seizures. Please enjoy our PAIN.
Project-449: February 2001
Tapegerm Collective is making its entire archive of source audio files created by its resident artists between 2000-2010 available royalty free to mark its 20th Anniversary in 2020-21.
Please consider sharing any work you create which utilizes Tapegerm sources at tapegerm.com.

There may be files from other artists related to this project listed below.
Include "Project-449" in your credits to have your recording appear on this page.
This project has a related mother project. Also include "Project-20" in your credits to have your recording appear HERE.
Recordings for Project-449
The inspiration for this recording was provided by Tapegermer (and co-founder) Chris Phinney for his Electronic Cottage compilation project The Vision of Twilight.
. Credits: Instrumentation used: Lunacy Audio Cube Synth (with mangled Tapegerms by Blind Mime, Heuristics Inc, Jeff Davis & the Beauregards, Sin:Ned, Suckling Infants Network, James P. Bergman, CIIIGoff, Virtual Religion, David Alexander McDonald, International Garbageman), Klevgrand Tomofon, Arturia CMS80, Native Instruments Pharlight, Casio CT-S1000V Vocal Synthesizer..Snowblind is my second Gamegerm.
Sadly, I tripped over my keyboard and broke its power supply, so it was peachy hard. Still, needs must as the Gamegerm drives....
. Credits: GAMEGERM is Project-470. Buzzsaw & the Shavings Cajun 1 Project: 48 JSG58 C800 Project: 507 Shaud Midsummer Night Part 1-7 Project: 427 Suckling Infants Network Beat 2 Project: 449 Mystified Train Clack 1 Project: 381 Arthur Loves Plastic Chirp Guitar Project: 149 Blind Mime Synth - Sizzle Lead Kongbalong Bass Drone 1 Project: 479 Hal McGee Theremin 03 Project: 436 Jack Hertz Fantastic Planetscapes 4 Project: 9 Sin:Ned August 2002 - 3 Project: 458 Decaying Machine Sad Song Project: 509.