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Jack Hertz ran the Poison Plant label since the late 80s which has morphed into his Aural Films label post apocalypse.
Project-9: Fantastic Planetscapes
Who remembers the 1973 film, "Fantastic Planet" by René Laloux with the amazing soundtrack?
Those fantastic landscapes with the bubbling and noodling synth sounds created by Jean Guerin on an EMS VCS3 and ARP 2600, were so inspiring. I thought it would be good fun to do a fantastic planetscapes collaboration project. If there's enough material, we can do a cassette tape release or something?
No rules on style, or length. Just be sure to post the final tracks back to Tapegerm here for others to hear.
I am supplying a pack of weird analog modular synth and other sources to use for collaboration, re-mixing, re-sampling, or whatever you can make with them and your own material. I am releasing these tracks under sitpulation you give credit to "Jack Hertz" and the music is also released under the same license: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0 US

There may be files from other artists related to this project listed below.
Include "Project-9" in your credits to have your recording appear on this page.
Recordings for Project-9
I created this on an early saturday morning using a gamegerm project improvised in Loopy.
. Credits: Sources by: David Alexander McDonald, Darph Nader, Suckling Infants Network, Jack Hertz, anixas, Virtual Religion, The Magical Cigarette, Corypheus, melodywhore, Ed Drury.Snowblind is my second Gamegerm.
Sadly, I tripped over my keyboard and broke its power supply, so it was peachy hard. Still, needs must as the Gamegerm drives....
. Credits: GAMEGERM is Project-470. Buzzsaw & the Shavings Cajun 1 Project: 48 JSG58 C800 Project: 507 Shaud Midsummer Night Part 1-7 Project: 427 Suckling Infants Network Beat 2 Project: 449 Mystified Train Clack 1 Project: 381 Arthur Loves Plastic Chirp Guitar Project: 149 Blind Mime Synth - Sizzle Lead Kongbalong Bass Drone 1 Project: 479 Hal McGee Theremin 03 Project: 436 Jack Hertz Fantastic Planetscapes 4 Project: 9 Sin:Ned August 2002 - 3 Project: 458 Decaying Machine Sad Song Project: 509.
Don't mind if I did!
But even though I included: "Tapegerm Project-9" in my credits, my piece does not appear here. Can someone (Bryan?) tell me what I did wrong please? Thanks!
It just needs to go somewhere in the credits. You put it in the "Story." I've changed it.
THANKS for the fix! I'll do better next time.
Cool! Nice job, CIIIGoff.
I love the dialog bits. Its like a mini-movie.
Glad I passed the audition, thanks Jack. I encourage more adventurers to join the expedition!
Hi brothers & sisters in sound. Enjoy Fantastic Plantescapes by mutaHERTZ!!!