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  Joined July 05, 2014

Michael A. Cosma began to play the guitar at age 12. Played lead guitar and wrote songs in several local Salem, OH bands including: Knightmare, Avenging Angel, Rebellion, and Rogue Elephant. Then worked solo for a while as Orpheus, YB Serious, and Seven Against Thebes whilst running the Mudball Records cassette tape label. Mudball has since transformed into an online website only with downloads instead of cassette tapes. The next era was an improvisational project with myself on the bass guitar and Justin Frederick on drums known as Aspect. We would then add guitars, vocals, and other sounds using a combination of a 4 track tape recorder and a computer. We recorded over 10 cd's as Aspect most of which can be located online and downloaded for free. I also started doing some recordings for the first incarnation of Tapegerm around the same time as the Aspect project. Over 70 songs were created and uploaded to TapeGerm. In this period (Aspect - TapeGerm) - I developed the alter ego of Anixas and recorded several works under this name which can be found primarily on Bandcamp and Jamendo. At the moment of this writing July 5th, 2014, I have now joined the second incarnation of TapeGerm - this time as Anixas!

A random selection of anixas tracks.
Recent tracks featuring anixas sources.
Kamakura CIIIGoff Corypheus bedawang Shell

Captain Hamilton

album: Robot Interface
genre: Experimental Space Music
streams: 144

Credits: Anixas, Plan 9 From Outer Space(public domain), TapeGerm Project-6

Sourced from Project
Using source file

Story: Downloaded public domain movie Cosmos War of the Planets and Public domain movie Plan 9 From Outer Space on to my netbook. Then I came out of the headphone jack and into my main pc. I would find parts of the movie that I liked and record them using Audacity and saving small sound files. Most of the parts were left as-is except for adjusting the volume or balance. Two synth pieces and one guitar piece were recorded live and they appear in the center of the project. All of the pieces were then arranged inside of Audacity and some fades were applied.

Captain Hamilton
08/22/14 01:30:34PM @blindmime:
I always enjoy the different ways you weave a lead guitar into your compositions, Michael. You have a wide range of character to your playing. Love the warped harmonies on this one.
